University of Nebraska Medical Center

Iqbal Lab

From Research to Patient Care

Professor, UNMC Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology

Iqbal lab

Javeed Iqbal, PhD

The major focus of Dr. Iqbal's lab is to understand the molecular mechanism of lymphomagenesis and to translate the relevant findings in lymphoma patient care.

The lab extensively uses high-throughput genomic profiling techniques, including genome-wide mRNA, miRNA and DNA copy number analysis to improve molecular diagnosis and prognostication in lymphoid neoplasms.

The long term research goal is genetic characterization and delineation of the molecular mechanisms leading to the transformation, in particular Peripheral T-cell lymphomas. These poorly characterized lymphomas have an aggressive clinical course and are challenging to study at the molecular level, due to lack of a reliable animal model and lymphoma cell lines.

The lab has generated T-cell relevant mouse models to determine the cell intrinsic mechanisms of lymphomagenesis.

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