Our scientists are working to identify diseases and create new cures.
Our focus is on four primary research topics: microbiology, cancer biology, immunology, and bioinformatics with considerable overlap among the 23 cutting-edge laboratories that work on both translational and basic science topics. We are leaders in building focused research programs and applying basic science discoveries to identify diagnostic tools that will improve overall health outcomes for our patients and our department ranks highly in peer-reviewed research funding.
Many of our pathologists energetically pursue research activities generated from their clinical case material with direct relevance to patient treatment. We are leaders in applying basic science discoveries to identify diagnostic tools that will improve overall health outcomes for our patients and our department ranks highly in peer-reviewed research funding.
Diverse, Impactful Research
Our department's research is focused on the fundamental biological processes that underlie tumor development and metastasis, host-pathogen interactions, molecular virology and metabolic adaptations in prokaryotes. We are developing new therapies for multi-resistant pathogens and parasites that cause malaria and toxoplasmosis. Investigators in our department collaborate with clinical colleagues throughout UNMC and Nebraska Medicine to develop novel therapeutic options and diagnostic tools. The infrastructure and culture created in our department encourages the collaboration among disciplines required for novel breakthroughs in biomedical science.

Paul Fey, PhD, vice chair of research
Research Statistics
Fast facts on our department
Number of research laboratories.
Current number of graduate students.
Current number of postdoctoral associates.
Research Programs & Resources
Learn more about the groundbreaking research by faculty members of our department. The research interests and activities of our primary research faculty are extensive with multiple interactions and collaborations on the UNMC campus with faculty from the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases and the College of Public Health. Our research also extends around the world with the Lymphoma Study Group and our bone and soft tissue program.
DPMI Research News

Rey Carabeo, PhD

Zachary Van Roy, MD-PhD Student, and Tammy Kielian, PhD
Location, Location, Location: How infection site dictates outcome during S. aureus biofilm infection

Sujata Chaudhari, PhD

Rajendra Kumar Angara, PhD

The 8th Annual International Conference on Gram-Positive Pathogens was held in Omaha, NE on October 13-16, 2024. The DPMI and CSR faculty hosts this conference in which trainees and faculty can present data and interact with internationally recognized leaders of the Gram-positive research field