Cytopathology Rotation
Resident training in Cytopathology is intended to instill a knowledge and skill base sufficient for general anatomic pathology practice. This includes proficiency in cytodiagnosis of both gynecologic and non-gynecologic specimens, including fine needle aspirates, thorough familiarity with cytopreparation procedures, and regulatory/management issues affecting the cytology laboratory. To assist physicians in achieving optimal results, our cytology staff are available to provide technical consultation. Telecytology is utilized for many of the rapid on-site procedures. Overall, we offer comprehensive training in all aspects of Cytopathology.

The Cytopathology Laboratory process over 17,000 gynecological and over 4,000 non-gynecological specimens.
A Resident's day-to-day on the Cytopathology Rotation
A day on Cytopathology rotation starts with previewing the flagged GYN pap smears in the morning followed by sign out with the faculty. During afternoon, the residents preview the non GYN cases, look up relevant clinical history, offer preliminary diagnosis and discuss any additional stains which may be required for the work up of the case. Residents also accompany the cytotechnologists during rapid on site evaluation procedures, where they learn to prepare smears which is followed by evaluating the smears for adequacy with the Cytopathologist. At the end of each rotation, the resident presents a slide-session cytology conference using the interesting cases from the rotation.
First year residents also spend the first week of the rotation with the cytotechnology staff, during which they get familiar with the specimen processing and staining techniques.
Cytopathology Rotation Director
Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Medical Director, Cytopathology Division