Graduate Student Awards

Best Presentation in the Graduate Student Research Seminars
First place to Ryan Singh and second place to Natalie Sturd

Outstanding Performance in PAMM 992 - Advanced Topics
Monisha Alla and Itidal Reslane

Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum
“Pathology and Microbiology Cash Award for Excellence” demonstrated at the research forum given to Dylan George for Best Oral Presentation and to Gabrielle Watson for Best Poster Presentation.
Thomas L. McDonald Graduate Student Travel Fund
A generous endowment by Thomas L. McDonald, PhD, is intended to support graduate education in the Immunology, Pathology, and Infectious Diseases (IPID) program in the Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology.
This award is given to an IPID student who has received an honorary recognition such as a competitive travel award or an invited oral presentation from a national or international society or meeting (e.g., Gordon Research Conference or equivalent) in their field of study. The value of the award is up to $2,000 to support domestic or international travel to attend the scientific meeting.
This is a one-time travel award that each IPID student can receive during their program of studies at UNMC. The value of the award is $1,000 for domestic travel and $1,500 for international travel outside North America.