Engagement Awards

Join us in celebrating the efforts of UNMC individuals and groups dedicated to making a positive difference in their communities.
The ITEACH Community Engagement Awards serve as recognition from peers of exemplary work and encourage others to take their educational experience to a new level through service to others.
Award nomination periods typically occur at the beginning of the year, and the award is given in the spring.
The awards are part of a larger partnership between the Student Life, Inclusion and Diversity Office and the Student Senate, which honors individual student and faculty recipients for their contributions to UNMC student culture, as well as student organizations for their impacts throughout the year.
Award Categories
The Community Impact Award recognizes student organizations that extend UNMC’s core values through creation of health care initiatives that are impactful and sustainable in the community.
Gold: Graduate Student Association
Silver: Fostering the Future
Bronze: AAPI Student Association
UNMC Racquet Club (read story)
Gold: Student Response Team
Silver: Support Your NEighbor COVID-19
Bronze: UNMC CoRe: COVID Relief
Kearney SHARING/HelpCare Clinic (read story)
Operation Immunization (read story)
The Community Health Education Award recognizes student organizations that extend UNMC’s core values through demonstration of exemplary contribution to the development of educational health care services or programming to community agencies, schools or organizations.
Student Alliance for People of All Abilities
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity through the College of Pharmacy (read story)
Do juSTIce (read story)
Primary Care Progress (read story)
The Faculty Advisor Excellence in Engagement Award recognizes excellence in community engagement by UNMC faculty and for providing exceptional service to students, their colleagues and/or UNMC.
Amar Natarajan, PhD, for advising and service provided to his students
Ryan Mullane, DO, for his advising of the UNMC SHARING Clinics
Sharon Medcalf, PhD, for her mentorship of the College of Public Health Student Response Team
The Staff Excellence in Engagement Award recognizes excellence in community engagement by UNMC staff and for providing exceptional service to students, their colleagues and/or UNMC.
Gold: Precious Davis, EdD
Silver: Emily Frankel
Bronze: Amy Rezac-Elgohary
“Our UNMC faculty, staff and students are working hard in our community, often without formal support or recognition. These awards are designed to spotlight and reward exemplary dedication and commitment to our UNMC ITEACH values.”

Heidi Keeler, PhD
Asst. Vice Chancellor for Community Engagement