Yesenia Valenzuela

In the words of:
Yesenia Valenzuela
Community Relations Coordinator, City of Omaha
Treasurer & Member, South Omaha Community Care Council
"I have been a champion for children and families for over 15 years, working in various capacities in the non-profit sector. I am passionate and dedicated to improving the lives of the most vulnerable, and shifting the perspectives of the community.
Through a solution-based approach, myself along with community members, run the South Omaha Community Care Council. This is an organization that provides a space to collaborate, connect and communicate on topics that matter.
When it comes to overcoming barriers of language and culture, OneWorld is at the forefront tackling those issue head on. During my time at OneWorld, I was able to see firsthand what culturally respectful health care looks like. Everyone deserves access to the best health care possible, regardless of background, economic or insurance status.
Family Inc. is another agency where status did not predict the services received. I worked alongside medical providers to utilize resources to families to advocate for themselves when their children's health was at stake. Access to early intervention services and programs can make a world of a difference when delivered in a way that makes sense for families. Entities such as those provide our community hope finding unique ways to engage and inform and as a results we have communities that thrive."