About Us
Building relationships, making connections
The Office of Community Engagement, located within Academic Affairs, serves as a bridge to connect campus-wide community engagement efforts. Our mission is to build mutually beneficial relationships and collaborations between UNMC and the communities it serves.
Spotlight on Change-Makers
Read stories about some of the faculty, staff and students making a difference through their engagement activities.

About Our Office
The Office of Community Engagement works to create a brighter future where the power of academia meets the power of community.
Faculty & Staff Engagement
Our faculty and staff from across colleges and campuses maintain a strong commitment to the Nebraska community. Based on results from our 2022 survey:
participate in community outreach and community service activities
serve on a board or advisory group for a community partner or organization outside of UNMC
teach, instruct or mentor students in one of UNMC’s service learning activities
We're designated as a Community Engaged Campus
Through the efforts of a dedicated interprofessional team of faculty and staff, UNMC is designated a Community Engaged Campus by the Carnegie Foundation, one of four medical schools and the first health professions university in the nation to be so designated.