University of Nebraska Medical Center


Medical students participate in clinical skills simulations
The integration of health care simulations into medical education curricula plays a pivotal role in preparing future health care professionals for the dynamic challenges of their fields. Simulations provide a safe and controlled environment where students can hone clinical skills, enhance critical thinking, and apply theoretical knowledge to realistic scenarios. By engaging in hands-on simulations, students develop the confidence and competence necessary for success in various health care settings. Our commitment to incorporating simulations underscores our dedication to delivering a comprehensive and immersive education that equips students with the practical skills and confidence needed for success in a varied and demanding health care field.

3D-Printed Gynecological Task Trainer

Dr. Carlson and residents perform gynecological procedure simulations

In 2023, the collaborative efforts of instructional designer Jami Monico and associate professor Dr. Karen Carlson resulted in the development of an innovative 3D-printed gynecological task trainer. This advanced simulator serves as a dynamic educational tool for learners, enabling hands-on practice of essential procedures such as Pap smear collection, endometrial biopsy, and manual vacuum aspiration.

Undergoing a quality improvement study with institutional review board approval, the task trainer was subjected to evaluation through an online survey, providing valuable insights into its effectiveness for learners. The comprehensive report explaining the study and task trainer construction directions including the 3D-print files are openly accessible for those interested in replicating the task trainer.

Beyond our department, this task trainer has been integrated into nursing and family medicine education, fostering interdisciplinary skill development. Classroom simulations involve setting up multiple task trainers, allowing students to engage in deliberate and repetitive practice of gynecological procedures within a controlled environment. This initiative represents a significant advancement in practical medical education, providing a tangible and impactful learning experience for students across disciplines.

Simulation Innovation

Suture kit for medical students to practice skills

Our commitment to hands-on education is shown with the design and creation of suture pads, available to our learners in the form of kits for practical application. In-person simulations utilize these suture pads, allowing our faculty to effectively teach and demonstrate essential suturing and knot-tying skills.

The faculty and staff of our department are dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of our learners. Task trainers designed for simulations serve as invaluable tools within simulated environments, offering students the opportunity for hands-on experiences to refine and apply clinical skills. In alignment with our commitment to excellence, we continually strive for improvement and innovation, frequently updating and creating new simulations to provide students with the most pertinent and impactful training. This continuous endeavor underscores our dedication to furnishing an innovative and dynamic educational setting, equipping students to navigate the intricacies of real-world health care challenges.