Members' Grants
- 2023-2028 Title: HEART Camp Connect: Promoting Adherence to Exercise in Adults with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction, R01 NHLBI/NIH (R01HL163288), Award Amount: $3,409,014, Role: Alonso (P.I.)
- 2022-2025 Title: Promoting Exercise in Adults with Heart Failure with Preserved Title: Ejection Fraction – A Pilot Study, Research Scholars Program of the Great Plains IdEA- CTR Network (funded by NIGMS/NIH (U54 GM115458), Role: Alonso (P.I.)
- 2019-2022
Title: Rural HEART Camp – Promoting Exercise in Rural Adults with Heart Failure, Source: UNMC CON Center for Patient, Family, and Community Engagement in Chronic Care Management, Role: Alonso, W (P.I.) - 2019-2021
Title: Examining the Symptom Experience of Rural Adults with Heart Failure, Source: Midwest Nursing Research Society Seed Grant, Role: Alonso, W (P.I.) - 2019-2020
Title: Rural Cardiac Rehabilitation for Heart Failure, Award Amount: $500, Source: Rural Nurse Organization, Role: Alonso, W (P.I.) - 2017-2019
Title: Ventricular Assist Device Outcomes: A Rural-Urban Comparison, Award Amount: $10,000, Source: Heart Failure Society of America, Alonso, W (P.I.)
- April 2023-March2028 Source: National Institute of Health: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and National Institute of Nursing Research. Title: Behavioral Economic and Staffing Strategies To Increase Adoption of the ABCDEF Bundle in the ICU (BEST-ICU), Award Amount: $6,594,013, Role: Michele Balas (PI)
- July 2023-June 2025 Source: UNMC faculty fund. Title: Remote Assessment of Social Connectedness Between Rural Dementia Patients and Family Caregivers Using Laboratory in a Suitcase Assessment (LISA), Award Amount: $100,000, Role: Co-I
- September 2022-April 2024 Source: National Institute of Health: National Institute of Nursing ResearchTitle: PARITY: An integrated community care and strengths-based technology intervention to improve maternal wellness and reduce health disparities in Black women, Award Amount: $318,000, Role: Co-I
- April 2021-April 2026 Source: National Institute of Health: NICHDTitle: Clinical Effectiveness of the PICU Up! Multifaceted Early Mobility Intervention for Critically Ill Children: A Pragmatic, Stepped-wedge Trial, Award Amount: $3,851,268, Role: Co-I
- May 2019-April 2023 Source: National Institute of Health: National Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteTitle: Determinants of Implementation Success Coordinating Ventilator, Early Ambulation and Rehabilitation Efforts in the ICU, Award Amount: $1,151,920, Role: MPI
- May 2019-April 2022 Source: Source: National Institute of Health: National Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteTitle: Determinants of Implementation Success Coordinating Ventilator, Early Ambulation and Rehabilitation Efforts in the ICU (Supplement), Award Amount: $156,000, Role: PI
- July 2018-July 2021 Source: American Association of Critical Care Nurses Impact Research GrantTitle: Reiki Intervention for Seriously Ill Elders in the ICU, Award Amount: $50,000, Role: PI
- July 2023-June 2025 Title: Reducing Disease Burden after Acute Exacerbation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (REBOUND), Award Amount: $119,322, Role: Barnason, S (P.I.)
- July 2013-June 2016 Title: Advancing Rural Emergency and Acute Care (AREA) Program for Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs), Award Amount: $768,825, Role: Morris, K (P.I.), Barnason, S (Co-investigator)
- Jun 2018 Title: Cancer-Related Fatigue and the Adaptative Response to Oxidative Stress, Role: Dickinson (P.I.)
- Sep 2018-Mar 2019 Title: Use of Nebraska Tobacco Quitline by primary care, Award Amount: $7,000, Role: Gonzales (P.I.)
- October 2020-September 2022 Title: Feasibility of BACA mobile application for self-management in people with Parkinson's Disease, Award Amount: $10,940, Role: Gonzales, K (P.I.)
- March 2020-November 2023 Title: Feasibility and Impact of Distance American Indian Peer Recovery Coaches, Award Amount: $39,999, Role: Guenzel, N. (P.I.)
- January 2022-December 2024 Source: Nebraska Collaborative Investment in Nurses: Title: Resiliency, Retention, & Well-being, Award Amount: $2,245,694, Role: Hanish, A (P.D.)
- June 2023-June 2024 Source: American Association of Cancer Education (AACE) READS Grant, Award Amount: $4,997, Role: Hendricks, B. (P.I.)
- August 2018-August 2021 Title: Future of Nursing Scholar, Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholars Program, Award Amount: $150,000, Meneses, K. (P.I.)
- September 2019-September 2020 Title: Research Doctoral Scholarship, Source: Oncology Nursing Foundation, Award Amount: $5,000, Role: Hendricks, B. (P.I.)
- September 2019-July 2020 Title: Graduate Traineeship in Disparities Research, Source: Susan G. Komen National Award, Award Amount: $1,400, Meneses, K. /Demark-Wahnefried, W. (P.I.)
- July 2023 – June 2025 Title: Remote Assessment of Social Connectedness Between Rural Dementia Patients and Family Caregivers Using Laboratory in a Suitcase Assessment (LISA). Award Amount: $100,000. Chen, K.-H. (PI). Role: Co-I.
- September 2022-August 2024 Title: Telehealth Transitional Care for Persons Living with Dementia: A Feasibility Study, Award Amount: $2,000. Role: Kovaleva, M. (PI)
- March 2022-February 2025 Title: Informing the Perianesthesia Period for Persons Living with Dementia: A Multi-Method Study of Nurses, Persons Living with Dementia, and their Caregivers, Award Amount: $10,000. Role: Kovaleva, M. (PI)
- January 2022 – January 2024 Title: Faculty Practice Program. University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing. Award Amount: $5,000. Role: Kovaleva, M. (PI).
- November 2019-April 2021 Title: Addressing Caregiver Burden during Persons’ Living with Dementia Hospital-to-Home Transitions. Southern Nursing Research Society. Award Amount: $7,500. Role: Kovaleva, M. (PI)
- October 2019-April 2021 Title: Perioperative Settings: Nurses, Persons Living with Dementia, and their Caregivers. Association of periOperative Registered Nurses – Sigma Theta Tau International. Award Amount: $5,000. Role: Kovaleva, M. (PI)
- October 2019-April 2021 Title: Addressing Caregiver Burden during Persons’ Living with Dementia Hospital-to-Home Transitions. Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. Award Amount: $10,000. Role: Kovaleva, M. (PI)
- June 2019-April 2021 Title: Tele-Savvy during Hospital to Home Transition. Center for Clinician Advancement: UnitedHealth Group Award, Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association. Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. Award Amount: $5,000. Role: Kovaleva, M. (PI)
- May 2019-April 2021 Title: Telehealth-Enhanced Patient-Oriented Recovery Trajectory after ICU: TelePORT ICU. Vanderbilt Discovery Grant. Award Amount: $100,000. Boehm, L. (PI). Role: Co-I.
- May 2019-April 2021 Title: Improving ICU Recovery in Survivors of Critical Illness. American Association of Critical Care Nurses. Award Amount: $49,999. Boehm, L. (PI). Role: Co-I.
- July 2023-June 2024 Title: IntegRating EHeAlth and Lay navigation to OptImiZe TrEatment Initiation and Adherence (REALIZE) among Black Women with Breast Cancer: A Pilot Implementation Feasibility Study, Award Amount: $49,892, Role: Lally, R (P.I.)
- August 2021-July 2024 Title: Impact of an mHealth Augmented Coaching Program for Self-Management in Patients with and Survivors of Cancer, Award Amount: $48,128, Role: Lally, R. (P.I.)
- March 2020-Feb 2021 Title: Promoting Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Adherence using a MET-PAP Intervention in Patients Newly Diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Award Amount: $50,000, Role: Miller, J (P.I.)
- 2019-2021 Title: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Impact of an mHealth Cardiovascular Risk Self-management Intervention in the Rural Hispanic Adult Population, Award Amount: $50,000, Role: Rowland, S. (P.I.)
- 2018-2019 Title: The Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Sedentary Behavior Among Older Adults, Award Amount: $5,000, Chase, J. (P.I.)
- 2016-2017 Title: Feasibility and Impact of a Cardiorespiratory Fitness Intervention in an Occupational Health Setting, Award Amount: $43,258, Role: Rowland, S. (P.I.)
Conversational Technology for Real-time Evaluation of the Pain Experience in Older Adults, NIH/NIGMS Great Plains IDEA-CTR,. $50,000 Role: PI
Machine Learning for Conversational Pain Assessment Technology in Older Adults, American Society of Pain Management Nursing. $5000 Role: PI
Nebraska Collaborative Investment in nurses: Resiliency, Retention and Well-being, HRSA, $2,245,694 Project Director: Hanish, A. Role: Collaborator/DEI specialist
The Loneliness Epidemic: Tailoring Interventions to Reduce Loneliness and Pain in Aging Adults Through Voice Assistants NIH/NIGMS Great Plains IDEA-CTR, $25,000. Role PI
Reducing loneliness in aging adults with mild cognitive impairment through smart assistant-powered technology: Testing intervention efficacy, optimal delivery modality, & mediation pathway, University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Grant- $40,000. PI: Jones, V., Role: Co-I
- May 2023-June 2023 Title: Addressing Non-suicidal Self-Injury Practice Guidelines: Current State of Affairs, Award Amount: $2,500, Role: Vandermause, R. (P.I.)
- July 2022-July 2025 Title: Simulation Laboratory Construction Project. Congressional direct spending via HRSA, Award Amount: $2,500,000, Role: Vandermause, R. (P.I.)
- July 2021-June 2022 Title: Simulation Laboratory Construction Project. Missouri Excel (MOExcel), Award Amount: $1,500,000, Role: Vandermause, R. (P.I.)
- June 2017-May 2022 Title: Enhancing Capacity for Mental Health Research and Care in Cambodia, Paul (P.I.)