University of Nebraska Medical Center

Faculty Practice Scholar Program

The Faculty Practice Scholars Program aims to assist new faculty engaged in faculty practice to develop a program of practice scholarship. As the CON develops a sizable pool of practicing faculty with rigorous programs of practice scholarship, we can lead the nursing profession in demonstrating the transformative power of nursing practice on patient outcomes.

The Faculty Practice Scholars Program is a two-year program. As a part of this program, Faculty Practice Scholars will receive $5,000 in pilot funding for their research. A total of up to 0.4 FTE will be assigned for practice for up to two years at an approved and contracted institution that partners with the Morehead Center for Nursing Practice at initially no cost to the institution in exchange for mentored practice. Formal mentoring will occur with both a research mentor and a practice mentor. Each mentor will develop specific goals and outcomes in conjunction with the Scholar.

Program Overview

The number of Faculty Practice Scholars chosen each year will be based on the number of qualified applicants, mentors and resources available but will not exceed two per cohort.

Primary Expectations of the Program
Primary expectation is that the Faculty Practice Scholar will complete a pilot practice scholarship project in a high-impact focus area. The practice scholarship project should include a proposal to be submitted when applying for the FPS Program, IRB approval, data collection, data analysis, results, discussion, dissemination and implementation and submission until accepted for publication.
Secondary Expectations of the Program
Secondary expectations will include:
  • 750-1500 hours of clinical practice throughout the program
  • At least one scholarly manuscript accepted for publication
  • Development and implementation of the first two years of a Five-Year Career Plan that leads to promotion and/or tenure and an ongoing program of practice scholarship
  • Regular agenda and meetings with a research mentor
Faculty Practice Scholar Program Benefits
  • $5,000 in pilot funding; $2,500 in year one and $2,500 in year two based on satisfactory progress on the pilot project
  • A mutually selected research mentor who is actively engaged in practice scholarship. Practice scholarship mentoring will focus on development and implementation of the pilot practice scholarship project, submission of manuscripts and developing a five-year Career Plan.
Expected Benefits to CON
  • Increased number of faculty practice scholars, i.e. faculty engaged in practice with a formal and productive program of practice scholarship
  • Increase in recruitment and retention of faculty who are engaged in the scholarship of practice
  • Increased internal and external grant funding for practice scholarship projects
Program Evaluation
Scholar Evaluation: Each Faculty Practice Scholar will be evaluated after 12 and 24 months with a detailed report summarizing progress due at 11 and 23 months. Continuation in the program in year two depends on satisfactory progress in year one. Evaluation will consist of individual, institution, practice, and scholarship complementary to the standard annual evaluation.
Application Information

Minimum requirements of application:

  • Terminal degree – DNP or PhD
  • Practice contract through the Morehead Center for Nursing Practice
  • Letter of Support from the Assistant Dean confirming the applicant will have the time to pursue the FPS program
Application Process

   Applicants will submit:

  • A two-page development plan specific to preparing and submitting manuscripts, career goals and objectives of the program
  • A two-page outline of a pilot practice scholarship project with high potential for impact to include potential for future funding
  • Priorities will be given to applicants in critical faculty shortage areas
  • Applicants will be chosen by a committee composed of the chair of the Faculty Practice Committee, the Director of Morehead Center for Nursing Practice, one member of the Faculty Practice Committee in addition to the chair, the Associate Dean for Transformational Practice and Partnerships and one representative for the Nursing Research Committee.

The Faculty Practice Scholar Program will be managed and evaluated by the Morehead Center for Nursing Practice and the Faculty Practice Committee. A report will be provided annually to the Executive Committee and the Dean.

For questions, please contact Dr. LeAnn Holmes.