Academic Phrasebank

Writing is hard. It takes a lot of reading, practice, time, and feedback to develop solid writing skills. Writing is also of paramount importance to disseminating nursing science!

If you find yourself writing and thinking to yourself “There must be another way to say what I’ve already written 500 times,” then this is for you!

The University of Manchester has created an Academic Phrasebank. This resource provides many MANY examples of phrases you can use when writing a manuscript, course paper, or dissertation. The phrases are organized by section (ex. introduction, methods, results, discussion) and can be very helpful in overcoming writers block for tricky sections.

The phrasebank can also help stimulate new ideas about your work. We hope you find this resource helpful!

If you have other resources to share, or if you’d like to help write a blog post for the NDSO blog, please reach out to any of the NDSO leadership: Kirsten Hepburn, Andy Lim, Gisele Tlusty, Audrey Cooper, Jen Zhou Powell, and Kacee Child. (Faculty mentors: Abbey Klein and Amber Golden)