University of Nebraska Medical Center

Marcia Shade, PhD, RN

Assistant Professor, UNMC College of Nursing


Marcia Shade, PhD, RN

Dr. Shade is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at the University of Nebraska Medical Center a nurse, scholar, educator, leader, and innovator. Dr. Shade also is the founder and CEO of Voice-It Inc. a start-up company that focuses on creating digital health solutions that engage, inform, and empower older adults.

Dr. Shade received her Bachelor of Science degree in biology from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and her BSN and MSN from Nebraska Methodist College. She earned her PhD in nursing science from the University of Nebraska Medical Center and completed a NIH funded T32 Post-doctoral research fellowship in Pain and Associated Symptoms at the University of Iowa.

Dr. Shade's scholarship focuses on improving pain management in older adults and has received both intramural and extramural funding to lead her program of research. Dr. Shade has published over 20 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and has given presentations at numerous scientific meetings across the country. Dr. Shade is a dedicated educator who is committed to preparing the next generation of nurses to provide equitable evidence-based care and molding future nurse scientists.

  • 2003, BSN, Nebraska Methodist College
  • 2009, MSN, Nebraska Methodist College
  • 2016, PhD, UNMC
  • 2019, Completed Post Doctoral Fellowship T32 Pain and Associated Symptoms University of Iowa 
Research Interests

Nursing Care of the Older Adult

  • Pain management in older adults

  •  Novel technologies for intervention delivery

  • Inappropriate use of medications/medication adherence
  • Adverse events of medications
  • Self-management behaviors in older adults
Grant Support (Previous 5 Years)

Conversational Technology for Real-time Evaluation of the Pain Experience in Older Adults, NIH/NIGMS Great Plains IDEA-CTR,. $50,000 Role: PI

Machine Learning for Conversational Pain Assessment Technology in Older Adults, American Society of Pain Management Nursing. $5000 Role: PI

Nebraska Collaborative Investment in nurses: Resiliency, Retention and Well-being, HRSA, $2,245,694 Project Director: Hanish, A. Role: Collaborator/DEI specialist

The Loneliness Epidemic: Tailoring Interventions to Reduce Loneliness and Pain in Aging Adults Through Voice Assistants NIH/NIGMS Great Plains IDEA-CTR, $25,000. Role PI

Reducing loneliness in aging adults with mild cognitive impairment through smart assistant-powered technology: Testing intervention efficacy, optimal delivery modality, & mediation pathway, University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Grant- $40,000. PI: Jones, V., Role: Co-I

Publications (Previous 5 Years)

Shade, M.S., Herr, K., Kupzyk, K. (2019). Self-reported pain interference and analgesic characteristics in rural older adults. Pain Management Nursing. 20(3), 232-238. 

Shade, M.S.; Boron, J.; Manley, N.; Kupzyk, K.; Pullen, C. (2019). Ease and usefulness of medication reminder apps among rural aging adults. Journal of community health nursing, 36(3), 105-114.

Gutman, G., & Shade, M. (2020). Digital Interventions to Promote Health and Well-Being of Older Adults. Innovation in Aging, 4(Supplement_1), 755-755.

Ferguson, C.; Shade, M.; Blaskewicz Boron, J.; Lyden, E.; Manley, N. (2020). Virtual Reality for Therapeutic Recreation in Dementia Hospice Care: A Feasibility Study. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 1-7. doi: 10.1177/1049909120901525.

Shade, M.Y.; Rector, K.; Soumana, R.; Kupzyk, K. (2020). Voice Assistant Reminders for Pain Self-Management Tasks in Aging Adults. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 46(10):27-33https://doi.org/10.3928/00989134-20200820-03

Bingham, B., Kinsley, M., Shade, M.Y., Sowicz, T.J. (2021). Engaging Pain Management Nurses in Research and Evidence-Based Practice. Pain Management Nursing. 22(3):247-249. doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2021.03.005.

Shade, M.Y.; Rector, K.; Kupzyk, K (2021). Assistant Reminders and Latency of Scheduled Medication Use in Aging Adults with Pain: A Feasibility Study . JMIR-Formative Research.5(9):e26361

Manley, N. A., Boron, J. B., Shade, M. Y., Jain, I., Kim, J., Chirackal, R. S., Byers, M. L., Bishop, K. I., Ashraf, M. S., Tyner, L. K., Stream, S. E., & Potter, J. F. (2021). A Robotic Device to Enhance Nursing Home Provider Telepresence During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, S1525-8610(21)00983-X. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jamda.2021.11.013

Jones VK, Hanus M, Yan C, Shade MY, Blaskewicz Boron J, Maschieri Bicudo R. (2021). Reducing Loneliness Among Aging Adults: The Roles of Personal Voice Assistants and Anthropomorphic Interactions. Front Public Health. 10;9:750736. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.750736. PMID: 34957013; PMCID: PMC8702424.

Mandolfo NR, Berger AM, Struwe L, Shade, M.Y., Hanna KM, Goldner W, Klute K, Langenfeld S, Hammer M. (2022) Glycemic Variability in Patients with Stage II-III Colon Cancer Treated with Surgery and Adjuvant Chemotherapy. Oncology Nursing Forum.  20;49(6):571-584. doi: 10.1188/22.ONF.571-584. PMID: 36413736.

Shade, M.Y., Soumana, R.; Eisenhauer, C.; Khazanchi, D.; Pozehl, B. (2023) Ask, when you do this, how much pain are you in?” Content Preferences for a Conversational Pain Self-Management Software Application  J Gerontol Nurs. 2023 Jan;49(1):11-17. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20221205-04. Epub 2023 Jan 1. PMID: 36594917.

Arnstein, P.; Shade, M.Y.; Herr, K., Young, H., Fishman, S. (2023). Supporting Caregivers Who Manage Older Adults’ Chronic Pain: Low-Risk Interventions. American Journal of Nursing. 123(2):p 46-52, February 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000919740.00088.93

Arnstein, P.; Shade, M.; Herr, K.; Young, H.; Fishman, S. (2023). Managing Older Adults' Chronic Pain: Higher-Risk Interventions. AJN, American Journal of Nursing 123(4):p 56-61, DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000925528.83750.03

Shade, M.Y., Kovaleva, M., Harp, K., Martin-Hammond, A.M., (2023). A Scoping Review of Older Adult’s Pain Outcomes After mHealth Interventions. JMIR Aging.

Klein, A. J., Eisenhauer, C., Mollard, E., Alappattu, M., Shade, M. Y., Sturwe, L., & Berger, A. M. (2023). ‘The constant worry’ – Urinary incontinence self-management in rural women: A qualitative study. Research in Nursing and Health, 46(6), 559-644. https://doi.org/10.1002/nur.22341

Klein, A. J., Eisenhauer, C., Mollard, E., Shade, M. Y., & Alappattu, M. (2023). Methodologies used in studies of self-management interventions for urinary incontinence in adult women: An integrative review. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 45(12), 1150-1164. https://doi.org/10.1177/01939459231208418

Saravanan, A., Shade, M.Y., Li, Y., Olayenii, B., Sanders, S., Johnson, R., Booker, S., Starkweather, A., (2024). Usability Barriers, and Reliable Online Health Information in Older Adults’ Post-Pandemic: A Focus Group Study. Geriatric Nursing, 56, 204-211

Service (Previous 5 Years)

2021-present Midwest Nursing Reasearch Society Foundation Board of Trustees

2019-present American Society of Pain Management Nursing: Research Committee and Nominations Committee

2012-Present Gerontological Society of America Nursing Interest Group Co-Convener (2023-2026)

2019-2023 Midwest Pain Society

2012-Present Midwest Nursing Reasearch Society

2013-2015 Liaison Emerging Scholars Network 

2020-2022 Geriatric Nursing Science RIG Communications Committee Chair

2021-current Foundation Board Trustee

2023-current Student Poster Committee

2019-present  US Association for the Study of Pain (USASP) IDEA-Committee

Recognition (Previous 5 Years)


Certificate of Excellence: E-Learning Innovator in Education

University of Nebraska Medical Center


2024 NIH NIA Start-up Accelerator Grand Prize Winner

National Institutes of Health

National Institutes on Aging


Excellence in Nursing Award – Older Adult

American Society for Pain Management Nursing


Research Award

American Society for Pain Management Nursing


NIH NIA Start-up Accelerator Finalist

National Institutes of Health National Institutes on Aging


Daisy Extraordinary Faculty Award Nominee

The Daisy Foundation



Innovation Award: New Inventor Notification