Wellness Wednesday – Saluting UNMC’s weekend warriors
Let’s take a second to recognize some UNMC employees who have demonstrated excellence of late in the athletic realm.
May 6, 2009
Wellness Wednesday — deadline change retirement plans approaching
UNMC employees who wish to change from Tier 1 to Tier 2 of the basic retirement plan have until May 29 to submit the needed forms.
Apr 29, 2009
Wellness Wednesday – Wednesdays on the Trail
Warm weather means Omaha’s Keystone Trail will again be inundated with medical center cyclists on Wednesday evenings. And yes, that includes this evening.
Apr 22, 2009
Wellness Wednesday – Expert: more antioxidant research needed
Whether or not you believe in the value of antioxidants, there are three major scientific journals, 13,000 published reports and 960,000 citations on the Internet relating to the free radical theory on aging and related research.
Apr 15, 2009
Wellness Wednesday – Watch your backs!
Here’s a little tip for you as you ramp up your springtime activity — watch your back! No, that’s not a threat — I’m really talking about your back — as in your spine and its discs and muscles and all that.
Apr 8, 2009
Wellness Wednesday — Antioxidant researcher to give Harman Lecture
It seems like every week there’s news about the benefit of antioxidants although the information sometimes conflicts.
Apr 1, 2009
Wellness Wednesday — Join N-Lighten Nebraska 2008
Expand your wellness horizons by joining N-Lighten Nebraska 2009.
Mar 25, 2009
Wellness Wednesday — Walking the (Cross) walk
OK, so the first story I ever wrote for UNMC Today way back in the fall of 2006 was about jaywalking on Saddle Creek Road. The gist was that Omaha police and campus officials strongly urged us med center types to use the crosswalks to cross Saddle Creek Road.
Mar 18, 2009
Wellness Wednesday – Opposite but not equal
An old children’s riddle goes something like this, “What weighs more … five pounds of feathers or five pounds of rocks?” Of course, this easily fools 5-year-olds and feeble-minded newsletter editors, as five pounds are five pounds — be they feathers or rocks. But it also leads to another question, which packs more punch?
Mar 11, 2009
Wellness Wednesday – Are you Boston bound?
Brock Steinbrink, cashiering supervisor in UNMC SAP Support, is headed to the east coast next month to participate in the 113th Boston Marathon.
Mar 4, 2009