
Take Care: Back to school tips for UNMC students

A new school year comes with both excitement and stress, but here are ways to prioritize health and wellness.

Aug 21, 2023

Steve Wengel, MD, and Sarah Fischer, PhD

Olson Center for Women’s Health is restarting health fair

Departments, clinics and programs from across UNMC and Nebraska Medicine are encouraged to join as exhibitors.

Aug 18, 2023

‘Heart to Heart’ podcast hosts UNMC’s Jill Poole, MD

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, speaks with the chief of the UNMC Division of Allergy and Immunology.

Aug 17, 2023

Jill Poole, MD

UNMC certified as a ‘tree campus’ for 10 years

The Arbor Day Foundation certifies higher education institutions that dedicate to a tree landscape.

Aug 15, 2023

New signage gives hope to those in crisis

Suicide prevention signs will be installed in all med center campus parking structures.

Jul 25, 2023

Jen Sparrock and Tammy Winterboer, PharmD

Summer at UNMC: Public health tends community garden

Summer remains a busy time across UNMC. This week, UNMC Today will highlight some of the many happenings during summer break.

Jul 12, 2023

From left, students Julia Quigley of the UNMC College of Public Health, Caroline Case of the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases, Sadie Allen of the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases and Venkatesh Varadharaj of the UNMC College of Medicine hold the garden’s first donation to a local community group.

UNMC, Nebraska Medicine to serve Highlander community

The Community Wellness Collaborative at the Highlander is part of the neighborhood’s revitalization efforts.

Jul 12, 2023

The Community Wellness Collaborative at the Highlander under construction

Registration open for Corporate Cycling Challenge team

The bike tour, to be held Aug. 20, will begin and end at the Capitol District Plaza in downtown Omaha.

Jul 10, 2023

Take Care: Learning mindfulness as a skill

Being mindful has shown to be a powerful tool to improve mental health and respond to stress.

Jul 5, 2023

Sarah Fischer, PhD

BHECN completes ARPA grants with new awardees

More than $3 million was awarded to address state’s behavioral health workforce shortage.

Jun 30, 2023

Marley Doyle, MD, director of the Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska, and Jessica Buche, BHECN ARPA award director