UNMC Community

Dr. Maurer on UNMC’s present and future

Watch a video to see Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., discuss the future of UNMC, pressing initiatives and challenges and his vision of a world-class academic health science center.

Apr 28, 2011

Dr. Klassen receives high national honor

Lynell Klassen, M.D., professor and chairman of the department of internal medicine, has been inducted as a master of the American College of Physicians (ACP).

Apr 28, 2011

Wellness Wednesday — UNMC group loses more than 800 pounds F.A.S.T.

Learn more about the F.A.S.T. Diet at an informational meeting on May 2.

Apr 27, 2011

Bridge to Care seeks faculty/student support for meetings with local refugees

The Bridge to Care program — a student-initiated interdisciplinary partnership that seeks to enhance access to care for recently resettled refugees in the Omaha Community — seeks more faculty and student support.

Apr 26, 2011

Life at UNMC for 40, 30 years

One is a soccer enthusiast. Another led the department that earned the 2008 university-wide teaching award. Another has a building named after him.

Apr 26, 2011

Benefit ‘U’ in focus – Eligibility audit verification phase ends May 6

Many employees take advantage of the medical and dental coverage the University of Nebraska offers. Those who do are reminded that the verification phase of the dependent eligibility audit of those benefit programs ends next Friday, May 6.

Apr 25, 2011

Check out UNMC’s new mobile nurse managed clinic

The campus is invited to tour the UNMC College of Nursing’s new Mobile Nurse Managed Clinic between noon and 1 p.m. on Tuesday.

Apr 25, 2011

UNMC leads community effort for Japan disaster relief

It was a simple request from a young man at Monday’s evening’s Japanese relief effort planning meeting at UNMC. “Help my family in Japan,” he said.

Apr 22, 2011

UNMC for the record

Medical students win a basketball tournament in Missouri and Allied Health hosts a great recruiting event.

Apr 22, 2011

Attend UNMC LINK’s Lunch with a Leader on Tuesday

UNMC LINK is pleased to announce its first official event of 2011, Lunch with a Leader, on Tuesday at noon in the Sorrell Center, Room 1005.

Apr 22, 2011