UNMC Community
Employees asked to help campus weather heat spell
Employees have been asked to take some steps to help keep the stress off the campus cooling system during the heat spell that will hit Omaha in the coming days.
Jul 15, 2011
Campus strategic plan posted online
Detailed and full-color versions of the 2011-2014 UNMC Strategic Plan have been posted online.
Jul 14, 2011
Lookin’ at U – Barbara Harrison
This week, we learn more about Barbara Harrison, office associate in the department of psychiatry.
Jul 14, 2011
Truhlsen events center available for weddings and other functions
Did you know the Sorrell Center’s Truhlsen Campus Events Center now can be rented to facilitate weddings and other private functions?
Jul 14, 2011
Pediatric residents pass graduation gifts on to patients
A career in medicine means doctors like Trey Jantzen, M.D., will spend their lives sharing their time, knowledge and skills with their patients. For Dr. Jantzen and a dozen other pediatric residents, that sharing began before their residency was over.
Jul 13, 2011
Wellness Wednesday — Registration still open for Owl Ride
Registration is still open for Saturday’s second annual Owl Ride, Omaha’s nighttime urban cycling adventure.
Jul 13, 2011
Traffic disruption on Dewey Ave. for nursing gas service removal
Starting Thursday, excavation on Dewey Avenue related to the removal of gas service to the College of Nurisng will close the service “loading dock” drive to the College of Nursing and will restrict one lane of traffic on Dewey Avenue.
Jul 13, 2011
A farewell reception for Dennis Robinson, Ph.D., chairman of the department of pharmaceutical sciences, will be Thursday at 4 p.m. in the College of Pharmacy Commons.
Jul 13, 2011
Discounted tickets to the Blues Brothers Revue
They’re on a mission from God and UNMC employees and students can watch it unfold for $5 at the Omaha Community Playhouse on Thursday, Aug. 11.
Jul 12, 2011
An update on the electronic health record implementation project
Read about the latest developments in the implementation process of the new electronic health records at The Nebraska Medical Center and UNMC Physicians Clinics.
Jul 12, 2011