UNMC Community

A PRINCIPLE of excellence and eminence

Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., works early mornings and late into the night. He advocates excellence and eminence. What drives a man like this?

Jun 11, 2015

Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

UNMC Orthopaedic resident graduation begins Friday

Omaha Symphony music director to speak at graduation ceremony.

Jun 2, 2015

From left, Todd Gaddie, M.D., Gregory Dammann, M.D., Andrew Taiber, M.D., Brent Hood, D.O.

Researchers Working to Change the Way We Take Our Medicine

OMAHA (FOX 42 KPTM)– The days of taking pills to get rid of a disease or illness could soon be over, and it’s all thanks to some new technology that’s so small you can’t even see it. People from across the world are working in Omaha to make that break through.

Here at UNMC, one American scientist and a Pakistani scientist are united in one fight-and that’s to better treat diseases like HIV and tuberculosis.

Mar 6, 2015

Pakistani researcher Gul Shahnaz works in the laboratory.

As doctors go paperless, more turn to medical scribes for help

Physician frustration with electronic health records has prompted a boom in a profession called “medical scribing.”

Medical scribes generally sit in the exam room and type into the patient’s electronic chart as the doctor and patient talk. The number of doctors using scribes in the Midwest and across the nation is fairly small but growing fast. Scribes can help doctors see more patients, and patients don’t have to wait so long for appointments. Scribes also can reduce the amount of time tacked onto the end of a doctor’s day while he punches information into the computer system.

Mar 2, 2015

Miki McGill, an LPN and a scribe, types notes for Dr. Russ Bowen during an appointment with Greg Cade at a clinic near Lakeside Hospital. Bowen said McGill’s help during appointments saves him up to three hours of work a day.

Walk & Roll for Disabilities set for March 1 at Oak View Mall

Event supports recreation program for adults with developmental disabilities

Feb 16, 2015

GMA correspondent, Amy Robach, to be honored with Ambassador of Hope Award

Will be recognized for her battle with breast cancer at March 21 gala at CenturyLink Center

Jan 19, 2015

Amy Robach

Boards take critical steps to integrate clinical enterprise

For patients, transition results in one statement for services.

Jul 2, 2014

Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., UNMC chancellor and chairman of the advisory board.

UNMC Board of Counselors welcomes nine new members

Freddie Gray of Omaha named chairperson; Dave Wimmer of West Point named vice chair

Jun 11, 2014

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D. (left) with Freddie Gray, new chairperson of the UNMC Board of Counselors.
Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.