UNMC Community

Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center dedication to include former vice president

Joe Biden will serve as keynote speaker on May 23

May 19, 2017

Chihuly Sanctuary unveiled at Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center

Is cornerstone of Healing Arts Program with art on display throughout building

May 19, 2017

Dale Chihuly premiered his Glass on Glass pieces at the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center. Glass on Glass is a combination of painting and sculpture that is both two- and three-dimensional, transparent and opaque.

UNMC scientist dies Saturday in gliding accident

Michael Boska, Ph.D., 59, was expert in magnetic resonance imaging research

May 16, 2017

Michael Boska, Ph.D.

Chihuly Sanctuary to be unveiled May 19 at Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center

 WHEN:           1 p.m., Friday, May 19  WHO:             Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., chancellor, University of Nebraska Medical Center                         Daniel J. DeBehnke, M.D., M.B.A., CEO, Nebraska Medicine                         Dale Chihuly, artist who designed The Chihuly Sanctuary                         Walter Scott, lead donor for The Chihuly Sanctuary WHERE:           Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center A collaboration between […]

May 8, 2017

UNMC/Nebraska Medicine launch youth violence prevention program

Dusk to Dawn program is aimed at at-risk youth between ages of 13-19.

May 1, 2017

Charity Evans, M.D., a trauma surgeon and coordinator of the Dusk to Dawn (D2D) program at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine, holds a photo of Roberto Gonzalez, a 20-year-old Omaha man who was shot and killed in 2015. His death is being used as the centerpoint of the D2D program, as at-risk youth will hear his story when they come to UNMC/Nebraska Medicine for the D2D program.

UNMC/Nebraska Medicine launch youth violence prevention program

Dusk to Dawn program is aimed at at-risk youth between ages of 13-19

May 1, 2017

Charity Evans, M.D., a trauma surgeon and coordinator of the Dusk to Dawn (D2D) program at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine, holds a photo of Roberto Gonzalez, a 20-year-old Omaha man who was shot and killed in 2015. His death is being used as the centerpoint of the D2D program, as at-risk youth will hear his story when they come to UNMC/Nebraska Medicine for the D2D program.

Nebraska Science Festival to release tickets April 1 for Kari Byron

Free tickets to be released online on first-come, first-served basis

Mar 28, 2017

UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson’s set for Jan. 27-28

24-hour ice skating event – now in its 7th year at UNMC – has raised more than $155,000

Jan 9, 2017

Simple pre-surgery questions save lives, Omaha study finds

A seven-year study of patients at the VA Medical Center in Omaha showed that screening patients before an operation to determine how frail they are can save lives after surgery. The screening test is so simple and the results so profound that the procedure is beginning to be implemented in other places, said Dr. Jason […]

Dec 19, 2016

First Thanksgiving

Former UNMC faculty member Mary McNamee, Ph.D., R.N., hosts Chinese visitors for their first Thanksgiving.

Dec 7, 2016

Beijie Huang, Jing Li, and Lin Chen at Mary McNamee's home for Thanksgiving.