UNMC Community

Anhydrous ammonia safety training offered to public

Nov. 29 class will be held at Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs

Oct 30, 2018

Dr. Cowan to step down as cancer center director

Has accomplished numerous milestones over past two decades

Oct 23, 2018

Ken Cowan, M.D., Ph.D.

Glidden Receives Inaugural Excellence Award

Tim Glidden, CRNA and director of nurse anesthesia, received the first-ever 2018 APRN/PA Excellence Award during a leadership meeting on Oct. 18.

Oct 23, 2018

UNMC chancellor named board chair of graduate medical education organization

Dr. Jeffrey P. Gold succeeds another UNMC physician, Dr. Rowen Zetterman, who held position past two years

Oct 17, 2018

Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D. (left) and Rowen Zetterman, M.D.

Nebraska Science Festival registration opens Oct. 24

Teachers encouraged to register classes early for 2019 student expos

Oct 12, 2018

Cleveland Clinic doctor to head UNMC/Nebraska Medicine ophthalmology program

Ronald Krueger, M.D., is international expert in refractive surgery

Oct 11, 2018

Ronald Krueger, M.D.

Dr. Michaelis appointed to State Board of Medicine and Surgery

Maria Michaelis, M.D., was recently appointed by the Nebraska State Board of Health to serve on the Board of Medicine and Surgery as a Medical School Faculty Member.

Oct 5, 2018

Sommer, Acute Pain PA, Awarded by Colleagues

Acute Pain Physician’s Assistant Lea Sommer was awarded Provider of the Quarter by her colleagues on the 4/5 Lied Quality Improvement Team.

Oct 5, 2018

Cattlemen’s Ball raises nearly $1.75 million

Amount raised is second highest in 21-year history

Oct 4, 2018

Ken Cowan, M.D., Ph.D. (third from left), director of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, went to Hebron, Neb., on Sept. 6 to receive a proceeds check of more than $1.55 million from the planning committee for this year's Cattlemen's Ball of Nebraska. (Photo courtesy of Nancy McGill)
Image with caption: UNMC and Nebraska Medicine have responded to a request from an international agency to send a team of infectious diseases experts to Uganda to help prevent the spread of Ebola.

UNMC and Nebraska Medicine have responded to a request from an international agency to send a team of infectious diseases experts to Uganda to help prevent the spread of Ebola.