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UNMC Community

Legendary UNMC supporter, Virginia Grissom, dies at age 99

Along with her late physician husband, Grissoms are considered one of most important families in UNMC history

Mar 6, 2019

Virginia Grissom celebrates her 95th birthday with friends at UNMC's EngAge Wellness Center.

From the Chair

I think it is fair to say we are all anxious for spring to arrive. Spring brings more opportunities to be outside. Connecting with nature is a way many of us re-energize and are reminded of what is most important and good in our lives. Activities that don’t require being outside also help ground us. […]

Feb 28, 2019

Dr. Debra Romberger

UNMC grad student selected as Early-career Hill Day participant

Will meet today with members of Congress to provide input on importance of research funding

Feb 28, 2019

Kimiko Krieger

Walk and Roll for Disabilities to be held March 3 at Oak View Mall

Proceeds benefit Munroe-Meyer Institute programs for adults with developmental disabilities

Feb 26, 2019

The Walk and Roll for Disabilities benefits the adult recreational program at UNMC's Munroe-Meyer Institute.
Winners of the essay contest will get the chance to meet Grant Imahara, the keynote speaker on April 5 for the Nebraska Science Festival. Imahara is an expert on electronics and robots and appears on the Discovery Channel's "Mythbusters."

Tongji University faculty complete observation experience

Tenth group of clinical faculty from Tongji University.

Feb 13, 2019

Grant Imahara to headline 2019 Nebraska Science Festival

Electronics/robots expert from Discovery Channel’s Mythbusters to kick off festival

Feb 12, 2019

Grant Imahara

SJTUSM students complete clinical rotations

Students from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine complete three month clinical rotations.

Feb 12, 2019

Pendyala Lab Student Volunteer Accepted into Harvard University

Rahul Guda’s student volunteer work in Pendyala Lab is one of many factors leading to acceptance into Harvard University.

Feb 11, 2019

UNMC lab seeks volunteers for mind/brain research studies

Also recruiting volunteers to participate in research registry

Feb 6, 2019

One of the research studies seeking volunteers involves using the advanced driving simulator in the UNMC Mind & Brain Health Labs.