UNMC Community

Dr. McClurg honored at BioNebraska Annual Meeting

Jim McClurg, PhD, received BioNebraska’s first-ever Bioscience Lifetime Achievement Award.

Nov 5, 2021

Jim McClurg, PhD

Transition begins for new oncology leadership

Administrative oncology leadership will transition from Theresa Franco to Kyle Skiermont, PharmD.

Nov 4, 2021

From left, Theresa Franco and Kyle Skiermont, PharmD

Annual employee giving drive kicks off next week

Chancellor Gold asks UNMC to show it stands behind the community at a difficult time.

Nov 4, 2021

Hitting New Strides

A top-down intensive therapy program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Munroe-Meyer Institute helps a child with a genetic brain disorder.

Nov 2, 2021

Hitting New Strides
Catherine Mello, director of the Department of Alumni Relations

Dr. Are honored by American College of Surgeons

Chandra Are, MBBS, is inaugural recipient of the ACS Academic Global Surgeon Award.

Oct 28, 2021

Chandra Are, MBBS

UNMC marks Native American Heritage Month

UNMC will mark month with Zoom events, social media offerings.

Oct 27, 2021

From left, Mona Zuffante will discuss "COVID-19 Response - Doing it Our Way," and Grace Johnson will present "American Indians in the U.S. and Cultural Resiliency" as part of Native American Heritage Month.

From UNMC Today

Grant will fund study on negating lung injury from biohazard, and other College of Medicine stories from earlier this month.

Oct 27, 2021

Jill Poole, MD

New faculty

Six new faculty members have joined the UNMC College of Medicine this month.

Oct 26, 2021

Chengfeng Bi, MD, PhD

Breakthrough Thinking series kicks off Oct. 29

UNMC’s Siobhan Wescott, MD, and Jane Jih, MD, from the University of California San Francisco, will speak during program.

Oct 22, 2021

Siobhan Wescott, MD