Student News

Direct patient care by medical students suspended

UNMC College of Medicine has ceased all medical student participation in clinical activities until at least the end of the month.

Mar 18, 2020

Med students make plans for ‘Thank a Resident’ Day

Students will show their appreciation with notes, snacks.

Feb 27, 2020

Escape rooms help nursing students gain skills

Exercise focuses on an unexpected event after a birth.

Feb 18, 2020

Madison Buckminster, left, and Alexa Dolesh participate in the escape room exercise.

Lincoln nursing students take a Self-Care Week

Effort organized to combat stress among nursing students.

Feb 14, 2020

Yoga classes were part of the Self-Care Week events.

NU president, others speak in support of new scholarship

The Nebraska Career Scholarships program would support students pursuing degrees in areas such as engineering, math, health care and information technology.

Feb 14, 2020

Ted Carter, president of the University of Nebraska

Impact in Education: Pamela Carmines, Ph.D.

Dr. Carmines will receive the Visionary Leadership in Education Award.

Feb 13, 2020

From left, Dele Davies, M.D., vice chancellor for academic affairs, Pamela Carmines, Ph.D., and Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., at the Impact in Education Awards.

NU President: Everything is about students

President Ted Carter addressed the Board of Regents at last week’s meeting.

Feb 12, 2020

University of Nebraska President Ted Carter

Leaders offer guidance to staff, students recently returned from China

UNMC and Nebraska Medicine faculty, providers, staff and students who have returned from China on Jan. 24 or later must self-quarantine for 14 days after leaving China before returning to work or class.

Feb 10, 2020

Chancellor Gold’s message to UNMC on coronavirus

Dr. Gold reminds students, faculty and staff of available resources to help keep the UNMC community healthy, safe and informed.

Feb 6, 2020

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

Nursing students help man get needed surgery

Community service part of a paying-it-forward program.

Jan 31, 2020

UNMC nursing student Lacy Lawson and faculty member Lisa Walters participate in Orphan Grain Train.