Student News

Dr. Rolfzen named Brad Paulson Award recipient

The award honors an outstanding senior medical student pursuing Anesthesiology.

Jun 29, 2020

Charles Walcutt, MD, director of medical student education, presents Megan Rolfzen, MD, with the Brad Paulson Award.

Class of 2020 residents and fellows celebrate graduation

Each graduate was celebrated by their program director in unique, socially-distant ways.

Jun 6, 2020

College of Pharmacy creates hand sanitizer for campus, community

Students, faculty come together to address local shortages.

Jun 2, 2020

From left, Tess Lewis, Keith Olsen, Pharm.D., dean of the UNMC College of Pharmacy, Gary Cochran, Pharm.D., associate professor in the UNMC Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, Raj Selvaraj and Sarah Stage.

Benson High, UNMC team for pharmacy tech program

Students can work toward becoming certified pharmacy technicians through a new cooperative course.

May 28, 2020

Judy Neville, left, director of UNMC's pharmacy technician program, presents a College of Pharmacy banner to Benson High Magnet science teacher Elijah Dacy. Benson students will have the opportunity to undergo pharmacy technician training through a cooperative agreement with the College of Pharmacy.

University finalizes student health insurance plan

Plans are effective Aug. 1, 2020, through July 31, 2021

May 26, 2020

Student’s Guard service has him on COVID front lines

Lt. Nathan Harms, a UNMC medical student, is deployed as part of the state’s testing efforts.

May 21, 2020

First Lieutenant Nathan Harms

Questions with Chancellor Gold

Do you envision the ‘Healthcare Heroes’ program at UNO to continue in the future?

May 21, 2020

Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., chancellor of UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha

Chancellor offers thanks, speaks of challenges

During town hall, Dr. Gold also emphasized that safety will drive all return-to-campus decision-making.

May 20, 2020

Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., chancellor of UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha

UNMC spring graduating class first to receive digital diploma

UNMC has partnered with digital credentialing service Parchment.

May 15, 2020

Graduated SRNAs to join Nebraska Medicine and beyond

The five Bryan College of Health Sciences students fulfilled clinical training requirements on campus.

May 11, 2020