Patient Care
1990s focus on pain a catalyst in the prescription abuse epidemic
The medical world’s sharpened focus on pain treatment contributes to a surge in prescription abuse and addiction.
Nov 13, 2012

Low-vision center helps woman stay behind the wheel
“I got my driver’s license,” Peggy Campbell exclaimed into the phone.
Oct 30, 2012

Surviving a heart attack — Cecil’s story
It’s hard to think of someone who had a massive heart attack as “lucky.” But Cecil Carroll is a very lucky man. Watch a video to learn about the innovative procedure UNMC physicians used to save Carroll’s life.
Sep 18, 2012

Kelley Hasenauer — nurse practioner, full practice partner
Read about the novel practice that nurse practitioner Kelley Hasenauer has started with a physician in North Platte.
Sep 10, 2012

Patient safety coalition office a resource for faculty
Read why it’s beneficial to have the office of the Nebraska Coalition for Patient Safety on the UNMC campus.
Aug 30, 2012

Village Pointe endoscopy center to open next week
Learn about the new clinic in west Omaha.
Aug 28, 2012
Heart surgery one day, home the next
Watch a video to see how UNMC physicians used a new heart-repair procedure to get an Iowa school teacher and coach back on his feet in a fraction of the time it would have taken with previous methods.
Aug 27, 2012