Patient Care
Board of Regents approve cancer center namings
Donors recognized for support of UNMC projects
Jun 7, 2013
OR staff crafts quilts to comfort pediatric patients
Change in OR cap policy sparks effort to cheer young transplant recipients.
May 31, 2013

Surgeons repair complex aneurysm without major incision
“Fenestrated graft” procedure is the first ever done in Nebraska.
May 30, 2013

New test eliminates need for chemotherapy for some breast cancer patients
Has become new standard of care
May 30, 2013

Keeping an eye on eye patient pays big dividends
Follow-up after retinal surgery leads to life-saving referral for patient’s wife.
May 24, 2013

Truhlsen Eye Institute will revolutionize eye care in Nebraska
Tours offered at today’s grand opening; webcast of ceremony available.
May 22, 2013

Test cuts need for chemotherapy for some breast cancer patients
Procedure analyzes 70 key genes.
May 16, 2013

UNMC physician offers insights on Jolie mastectomy decision
Hear Edibaldo Silva, M.D., Ph.D., speak on KFAB.
May 16, 2013

Buffett gift will create Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center
Omaha, Neb – The University of Nebraska Medical Center and The Nebraska Medical Center announced today that their cancer center project in midtown Omaha has a name: the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center. The cancer center will be named for Fred and Pamela Buffett in recognition of a gift from Pamela Buffett, through her […]
May 3, 2013

Day in the Life: Power wheels to makeshift power wheelchairs
UNMC event tricks out toy trucks for children with disabilities.
May 2, 2013