Patient Care

A more convenient breast cancer treatment option

Marcia Shanahan’s regular mammogram didn’t show anything. But during a routine checkup, her doctor felt something.

Dec 27, 2012

New ‘Find a physician’ tool up and running

The Nebraska Medical Center recently debuted its new online “Find a Physician tool.”

Dec 11, 2012

Curing five years of pain – Katie’s story

Katie Eastman had suffered excruciating pain for five years. Other doctors and hospitals tried, but couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

Dec 11, 2012

Pharmacy student’s miracle story featured on ‘Katie’

Michael Crowe and his family recently recounted on the nationally syndicated talk show, “Katie,” the tale of how the College of Pharmacy student’s heart miraculously healed itself just before he was to have a life-saving heart transplant.

Nov 27, 2012

Free from seizures — Maggie’s Story

Watch a video to see how UNMC’s Deepak Madhavan, M.D., helped an Omaha woman find relief from mysterious seizures.

Nov 26, 2012

1990s focus on pain a catalyst in the prescription abuse epidemic

The medical world’s sharpened focus on pain treatment contributes to a surge in prescription abuse and addiction.

Nov 13, 2012

Low-vision center helps woman stay behind the wheel

“I got my driver’s license,” Peggy Campbell exclaimed into the phone.

Oct 30, 2012

Surviving a heart attack — Cecil’s story

It’s hard to think of someone who had a massive heart attack as “lucky.” But Cecil Carroll is a very lucky man. Watch a video to learn about the innovative procedure UNMC physicians used to save Carroll’s life.

Sep 18, 2012

Kelley Hasenauer — nurse practioner, full practice partner

Read about the novel practice that nurse practitioner Kelley Hasenauer has started with a physician in North Platte.

Sep 10, 2012