Patient Care

New laser a cutting edge treatment for retinal diseases

Advanced laser at UNMC the only one of its caliber in the United States.

Jul 29, 2013

Quan Dong Nguyen, M.D., left, and Diana Do, M.D.

Video: Ask UNMC – Chronic acid reflux

I have chronic acid reflux and take prescription medication. Do over-the-counter medications work just as well? (Featuring Mark Mailliard, M.D.)

Jul 12, 2013

Video: Ask UNMC – Controlling high blood pressure

How can I tell if I have high blood pressure and how can I bring it under control? (Featuring Jennifer Fillaus, M.D.)

Jul 5, 2013

The quest for whiter, straighter teeth

Study compares amount of plaque that builds-up on teeth using Invisalign® or traditional braces.

Jul 3, 2013

Video technology breaking down mental health care barriers

Videoconferencing system eliminates need to transport nursing home residents for mental health services.

Jul 1, 2013

Max Thacker, associate director of information technology services, demonstrates Vidyo by speaking with UNMC video services facilitator Pat Hoffman. The technology is being used to reach across the state.

Geriatric assessment service fills critical need in Kearney

UNMC College of Nursing showcases its Mobile Nurse Managed Clinic.

Jun 28, 2013

The UNMC College of Nursing's Mobile Nurse Managed Clinic.

Active education goes a long way for patients

The Nebraska Medical Center’s patient education website receives updates.

Jun 28, 2013

MMI program will expand behavioral health screenings for children

New bill would expand access to behavioral health screenings for children in Nebraska.

Jun 12, 2013

Joseph Evans, Ph. D.

New center’s focus: Improving health through weight management

The new Bariatrics Center will hold its open house on Thursday.

Jun 12, 2013

A patient’s story

For William Thorell, M.D., it was a challenging case. For Dylan Murphy, it was a second chance at life.

Jun 10, 2013

William Thorell, M.D.