Patient Care
Massage Therapy Eases Pain Patients’ Pre-Procedure Anxiety
When patients arrive for their procedure, oftentimes anxiety begins to consume them. The Pain Medicine team at Village Pointe is using massage to help ease that tension.
Feb 8, 2019

UNMC psychiatrist, Marley Doyle, M.D., named director of BHECN
Succeeds Howard Liu, M.D., who has headed BHECN since 2014
Feb 4, 2019

College of Nursing in Scottsbluff to hold open house Feb. 8
Attendees will learn about new program to detect cognitive, mental health problems in Panhandle older adults
Jan 28, 2019

CRNA Week Spotlight: Judy Lane
Nearing the 40-year mark in her healthcare career, Judy Lane now works long hours on weekends–a shift she’s happy to take so her younger colleagues can stay home with their young families.
Jan 21, 2019

CRNA Week Spotlight: Tiffany Olson
Once Tiffany Olson discovered nurse anesthesia, her career path completely changed.
Jan 20, 2019

UNMC boosts research stature by adding most advanced MRI scanner in Nebraska
Allows UNMC to compete with elite institutions, better understand complexities of brain
Jan 9, 2019

UNMC, DCHD working with Omaha pharmacies on vaccine campaign
Two-year campaign made possible by $300,000 anonymous donation to NU Foundation
Jan 4, 2019

Colorado physician named chair of UNMC Department of Neurosurgery
Plans to increase size, depth of department to meet aging population’s increased need for neurosurgeons
Nov 15, 2018

National study finds gastric bypass most effective weight loss surgery
UNMC/Nebraska Medicine physicians participate in study
Nov 9, 2018

Glidden Receives Inaugural Excellence Award
Tim Glidden, CRNA and director of nurse anesthesia, received the first-ever 2018 APRN/PA Excellence Award during a leadership meeting on Oct. 18.
Oct 23, 2018