
Reenforcement on the front lines of mental health

It’s estimated that more than half of all U.S. mental health care takes place at the primary care level and that percentage jumps considerably in rural areas where there often are no mental health practitioners for hundreds of miles.

Jan 6, 2012

Othello H. Meadows III to headline MLK event at UNMC

Community revitalization leader is dynamic speaker

Jan 6, 2012

‘Radiation: Facts, Fantasies and Phobias’ the focus of Jan. 10 Omaha Science Caf

Learn about how public perceptions of human radiation exposure have developed over time and how that fits with current scientific evidence.

Dec 29, 2011

Country star Justin Moore to perform at 2012 Cattlemen’s Ball

McCOOL JUNCTION, Neb. — Country music star Justin Moore — known for top 10 singles “Small Town USA,” “If Heaven Wasn’t so Far Away” and “Backwoods” — will headline the entertainment at the 2012 Cattlemen’s Ball on Saturday, June 2.

Dec 19, 2011

UNMC team provides orthopaedic relief in Guatemala

As a UNMC team and other groups from North America performed 73 joint replacement surgeries during a recent health care mission in Guatemala, Kevin Garvin, M.D., was struck by the sheer toughness of the patients he encountered.

Nov 29, 2011

UNMC helps bring family medicine to China

Traditionally, hospital receptionists — not primary care professionals — triage ailing patients in Chinese medical centers.

Nov 11, 2011

For our troops and vets

In recognition of Veterans Day, UNMC Today takes a look at some of the medical center programs that help past and present military members and their families.

Nov 11, 2011

College of Public Health achieves accreditation

The UNMC College of Public Health has been granted accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) and now is a full member of the Association of Schools of Public Health.

Oct 24, 2011

COPH lands two large grants with rural focus

The College of Public Health announces two large grants that stand to benefit rural Nebraskans. Such announcements could become more common as the college’s newly-acquired accreditation makes its eligible for more funding opportunities, the college’s dean says.

Oct 24, 2011

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