Inside UNMC
Important changes announced regarding Outlook email migration
Unanticipated problems with conversion tools have led to some important changes regarding the roll out of the new Microsoft email system.
Feb 13, 2012

Burt Street Individuals to groove at UNMC on Thursday
Omaha’s Burt Street Individuals bring their groove-filled signature sound back to UNMC on Thursday as they perform during the Music as Medicine concert.
Feb 13, 2012
Benefit U in focus – HR Learn@Lunch kicks off March 20
Twice a year, UNMC Human Resources holds Learn@Lunch sessions to help employees develop within and outside of the workplace.
Feb 13, 2012
Sweetheart specials at the UNMC Bookstore
Discounts that include 20 percent off all clothing in stock, 14 percent off stethoscopes and $8 “Breathroughs for life” T-shirts are included in this week’s Sweetheart Sale at the UNMC Bookstore.
Feb 13, 2012
Dr. Baldwin is honored and UNMC joins a coalition to promote service learning.
Feb 10, 2012
LiveGreen Scene: The ‘Energy Doctor’ and tips to save energy, money
Chances are your house leaks energy and in turn money. At the next LiveGreen Scene, ask questions of an “energy doctor” to learn how you can save both.
Feb 10, 2012

Biggest campus fire hazard? Unsupervised microwaves
Quick, what’s one of the most important fire-safety tips at UNMC?
Feb 10, 2012

Student spotlight – Amanda Harlow
Today we meet Amanda Harlow, a first-year physical therapy student in the School of Allied Health Professions.
Feb 10, 2012
Clarification on Eppley Institute renovation – closed until April 2013
The Eppley Institute will close for renovations on Monday and won’t reopen until April 2013.
Feb 9, 2012