Inside UNMC

Lookin’ at U – Susan Armstrong
This week, we learn more about Susan Armstrong, office associate in the College of Dentistry.
Sep 20, 2012

Health policy expert discusses the ACA
Sara Rosenbaum, J.D., a national expert in health policy and public health, provided insight into the Affordable Care Act (ACA) last week at a College of Public Health Grand Rounds.
Sep 20, 2012

You really don’t need a sith lord to convince you to participate in the United Way drive do you?
Sep 20, 2012

Openings remain for the Management Series
A few openings for the UNMC Management Series.
Sep 20, 2012

City council proposals would provide $35 million to UNMC
The Omaha City Council on Tuesday introduced two measures that ultimately would provide $35 million to help construct the $370 million Cancer Center Campus at the medical center.
Sep 19, 2012

A day in the life … Some help through a sad birthday
The writer is off celebrating her birthday today. Four-years ago on this day, she didn’t have much to celebrate as she sat in tears in the Swanson Hall office of Susan Smith.
Sep 19, 2012

Wellness Wednesday — F.A.S.T. diet informational meeting set for Tuesday
Attend the meeting to learn about the diet that has helped people on campus lose thousands of pounds.
Sep 19, 2012

A children’s show character helps us understand how easy it is to participate in the United Way drive.
Sep 19, 2012

Regents briefed on implications of ACA, Medicaid expansion
The regents hear about an important funding stream that will be cut off by the Affordable Care Act and about other streams that may open if Medicaid is expanded in Nebraska.
Sep 18, 2012