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Inside UNMC

Researchers find risks for transplant recipients after COVID

Data analyzed by UNMC identifies greater renal or cardiac events, particularly among men.

Nov 17, 2021

Deadline approaching for DUO authentication

Two-factor authorization will be required as of Dec. 1.

Nov 17, 2021

Showcase gets people thinking about health design

Health Design Thinking event followed a two-day workshop looking at the clinical preceptor program.

Nov 16, 2021

From left: T.J. Welniak, MD, Katherine Bravo, PhD, Dele Davies, MD, Bon Ku, MD, Morgan Hutchinson, MD, Jennifer Kallio, DDS, Amy Pick, PharmD

Dorothy Truhlsen recalled as stalwart UNMC supporter

Dottie Truhlsen, wife of Stanley Truhlsen, MD, died on Nov. 6.

Nov 16, 2021

Stanley Truhlsen, MD, and Dorothy Truhlsen.

LiveGreen: Meet Jerrod Bley, UNMC’s new sustainability manager

Bley brings his expertise back to Nebraska, will work on campus goals.

Nov 16, 2021

Med center testing new oral drug to prevent COVID-19

International study is researching the oral antiviral Molnupiravir for adult household contacts.

Nov 16, 2021

Diana Florescu, MD

Nominations open for community service to research award

Award honors people and groups in the community supporting UNMC’s research mission.

Nov 15, 2021

Jennifer Larsen, MD, vice chancellor for research at UNMC

UNMC ice rink to open Saturday, Nov. 27

The outdoor rink will remain open through Jan. 30.

Nov 15, 2021

Mick Ridgway, the ice rink manager, fights last week's wind to prep the rink.

UNMC donation drive to support Maverick Food Pantry

A pop-up snack shop also coming to campus on Nov. 22.

Nov 15, 2021