
310 UNMC students to receive diplomas during commencement ceremonies

Diplomas will be conferred on 310 students during ceremonies Dec. 20 in Omaha.

Dec 17, 2013

310 UNMC students to receive diplomas during commencement ceremonies

Diplomas will be conferred on students during ceremonies Dec. 20 in Omaha.

Dec 17, 2013

UNMC College of Dentistry student wins top award in research/public health

Honored for presentation on bone loss associated with arthritis

Nov 25, 2013

Paul Johnson in front of his award-winning poster presentation at the American Dental Association Annual Session in New Orleans earlier this month.

UNMC to begin student exchange with prestigious South Korean university

Partnership marks UNMC’s entry into South Korea, expands international presence

Nov 21, 2013

UNMC nursing students make summer dean’s list

36 students enrolled in accelerated nursing program make dean’s list

Nov 18, 2013

UNMC one of four institutions selected for primary care pilot project

New paradigm involves training resident physicians in medical home setting

Nov 12, 2013

Andy Rorie, M.D., a UNMC resident physician, examines Regina Huerta, a patient at one of the medical center's patient-centered medical homes (PCMH).

Nursing lectureship to feature intimate partner violence expert

Will address role of nurses, the science in identifying intimate partner violence.

Oct 30, 2013

Nursing Showcase Nov. 3 to show path to being a nursing student

Showcase for those interested in being a nurse

Oct 21, 2013

Scholarship recognizes dental student’s triumph over adversity

Scottsbluff native one of nine U.S. students to earn Horatio Alger Association scholarship

Oct 7, 2013

Jake Zitterkopf (Photo by Margaret Cain, UNMC College of Dentistry)