
Incoming student profiles: Qingfeng He (PharmD)

Introducing incoming CSC students. First up, Qingfeng He (PharmD).

Jul 26, 2016

Qingfeng at Fudan University

Summer Research Program Students Begin Work in Labs

Summer Research Program participants from Shanghai Jiao Tong, Shandong, and Tongji Universities begin their research at UNMC.

Jul 25, 2016

Qingyu Yao from Shandong University in the lab of Jingwei Xie, Ph.D.
Howard Fox co-author

Tekamah woman’s trust helps fund UNMC medical nutrition scholarship

Sandra Stork and her former student, Barbara Robertson, provide funding

Jul 5, 2016

Rich and Carol Smiley of Tekamah, representing Sandra Stork's family, joined Barbara Robertson, center, at UNMC's celebration of the endowment of the Stork Robertson Medical Nutrition Scholarship.

Pioneering Capital Medical University Students Complete Training

The first group of clinical exchange students from Capital Medical University completed their training at UNMC.

Jul 1, 2016

Capital Medical students Wenjianlong ZHOU, Chuxuan BIN, and Shuoqi CHEN with Marco Gonzalez, M.D., Brad Britigan, M.D., dean of the College of Medicine, Deb Thomas, vice chancellor for business and finance, Dele Davies, M.D., vice chancellor for academic affairs, Jialin Zheng, M.D., director of the Asia Pacific Rim Development Program, and Zenghan "Hannah" Tong, Ph.D., assistant director of the Asia Pacific Rim Development Program.

Tongji University Medical Students and Faculty Complete UNMC Training

Tongji University medical students and faculty complete training at UNMC.

Jun 29, 2016

Tongji University medical students and faculty meet with Gerald Moore and APRDP staff.

Nursing externship helps nursing students gain practical experience

Nursing externship helps nursing students gain practical experience

Jun 28, 2016

UNMC establishes new Section of Hospital Medicine to reflect demand for hospital

University of Washington physician to lead section in continued effort for better patient outcomes

Jun 17, 2016