
UNMC students elect student officers for 2018-19

Hotovy of York, Neb., also will represent UNMC as a non-voting member of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.

Oct 8, 2018

UNMC Student Senate officers for 2018-19 are, from left, Scott Mulder (treasurer), Sarah Hotovy (president), Keith Ozanne (vice president) and Jessica Wiens (secretary).

UNMC College of Nursing to host information sessions on doctoral nursing degrees

Includes one event that’s accessible on the web

Oct 3, 2018

Drs. Fremming, Thompson, lecture in Abu Dhabi

Brad Fremming, M.D., Pharm.D., and Shaun Thompson, M.D., recently returned from Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates where they were invited to present on Critical Care topics.

Oct 2, 2018

UNMC students participate in ceremonies to mark beginning of health careers

The students are enrolled in programs for medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, the allied health professions and graduate studies.

Sep 19, 2018

Peterson-Layne Inducted into IAE

Cathleen Peterson-Layne, M.D. and division chief of obstetric anesthesiology, was inducted into the Interprofessional Academy of Educators (IAE) at a ceremony Thursday, September 13, in Clarkson Tower.

Sep 19, 2018

Cathleen Peterson-Layne, M.D., Ph.D., displays her certificate of acceptance into the Interprofessional Academy of Educators during the induction ceremony on Thursday, September 13, at Clarkson Tower.

Free seminar seeks to improve services for Nebraskans with disabilities

Sept. 21-22 event will build leadership skills, target underserved groups

Sep 13, 2018

APRDP Student Completes Research Rotation

Chengxi “Tracy” Tan, a third-year medical student in the Asia Pacific Rim Development Program (APRDP), concluded her seven-week research program with Department of Anesthesiology researcher, Gurudutt Pendyala, Ph.D.

Sep 5, 2018

Jane Meza, Ph.D. and associate vice chancellor for global engagement, Gurudutt Pendyala, Ph.D., and H. Dele Davies, M.D. and senior vice chancellor for academic affairs, present Chengxi "Tracy" Tan, a third-year medical student in the Asia Pacific Rim Development Program, with a certificate of completion.

UNMC enrollment sets record for 18th straight year

Total of 3,970 students represents an increase of 62 students

Sep 4, 2018

Sept. 12 conference to focus on Nebraska’s mental health workforce

Also will explore the growing opioid crisis

Aug 27, 2018

Michael Rice, Ph.D.

UNMC to host national modeling, simulation meeting

Improving human performance, effectiveness will be focus of meeting

Aug 22, 2018