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National osteopathic conference features 8 UNMC anesthesiologists

The 68th annual meeting for the American Osteopathic College of Anesthesiology will feature seven anesthesiologist speakers affiliated with UNMC, and is led by Program Chair and UNMC Pediatric Anesthesiologist, Jessica K. Goeller, DO. The online-only conference offers 30.5 CME credits and runs Saturday, Sept. 19, through Tuesday, Sept. 22.   "With record registration and world […]

Sep 14, 2020

Questions with Chancellor Gold

Are you concerned about some universities having to go to remote learning?

Aug 24, 2020

Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, chancellor of UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha

A message from the chancellor: Welcome back

Dr. Gold: We need to “take care of each other.”

Aug 19, 2020

UNMC to award degrees Aug. 14 to 240 students

Students will graduate from the College of Nursing, College of Allied Health Professions, College of Public Health and Graduate Studies

Aug 11, 2020

Registration still open for August symposiums

Leukemia Symposium and Midwest Radiation Oncology Symposium will be sponsored by UNMC.

Aug 4, 2020

Legislature approves mid-biennium budget package

Budget features key university investments.

Aug 3, 2020

University of Nebraska President Ted Carter

Remembering: Charles Krobot, Pharm.D.

Colleague: ‘I have never met a better man.’

Jul 1, 2020

Charles Krobot, Pharm.D.

Board of Regents approves 2020-21 university operating budget

Budget is part of multi-year plan to address fiscal challenges of COVID-19.

Jun 29, 2020

University of Nebraska President Ted Carter

Dr. Wakin awarded Teacher of the Year

Anesthesiology residents in clinical training chose Dr. Wakin for the award.

Jun 24, 2020

CS-CASH conducts ag safety training for Rwandan students

Weeklong effort was in collaboration with hte University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Jun 22, 2020

The students from Rwanda at their orientation last summer.