
Public health student Laura Hansen on her motivation

Watch a video of College of Public Health Student Laura Hansen discussing the photo on her wall that reminds her of why she studies.

Aug 18, 2011

Library website redesign to launch Monday

Get a sneak peak at the library’s new website.

Jul 29, 2011

Two UNMC students named Presidential Graduate Fellows

Jesse Cox, a Ph.D. candidate in cancer research, and Parama Dey, a Ph.D. candidate in biochemistry and molecular biology, are two of the eight recipients of the University of Nebraska’s 2011-12 Presidential Graduate Fellowships.

Jul 19, 2011

College of Public Health launches electronic newsletter

What you should know about flood safety, preparedness and cleanup is outlined in stories featured in the College of Public Health’s new electronic newsletter, GroundBreaker.

Jul 15, 2011

Search begins for Buffett Institute Director

The University of Nebraska has started a search for the inaugural executive director of the Buffett Early Childhood Institute.

Jul 11, 2011

New nursing dean announced

Juliann Sebastian, Ph.D., will join UNMC on Oct. 15 as the new dean of the College of Nursing.

Jun 29, 2011

A discussion with new SMDEP director Stephen Toller

School may be out for some but a large group of undergraduate students are on UNMC’s campus for advanced learning opportunities.

Jun 15, 2011

Medical student Chris Danford receives Fulbright Scholarship

Chris Danford has seen barriers to health care.

Jun 9, 2011

Happy 20th RHEN!

The Rural Health Education Network (RHEN) celebrated its 20th anniversary on June 4.

Jun 7, 2011

Faculty changes announced in the College of Dentistry

Several UNMC College of Dentistry faculty will take on new roles in light of the retirements of Curt Kuster, D.D.S., and Dennis Kent, D.D.S., in July.

Jun 6, 2011