
AMA president to speak at Breakthrough Thinking event

Susan Bailey, MD, president of the America Medical Association, will speak today on physician leadership in a time of urgency.

Jan 14, 2021

Chancellor’s message: The future we cherish

We stand united as the UNMC community in our belief that no one should live in fear for who they are, where they are from and what they stand for.

Jan 14, 2021

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD

Pharmacy students help deliver vaccinations

Students take part in effort to immunize residents and patients at more than 140 facilities.

Jan 13, 2021

From left, College of Pharmacy students Sarah Stage, Kristin McLarty and Traver Pettijohn

Time out with T.O. – Paying it forward

Philanthropist Bill Scott and wife Ruth help fund new trauma center at Great Plains Health.

Jan 12, 2021

After he suffered a serious accident in 2005, Bill Scott was no longer able to engage in one of his favorite pastimes - playing the trumpet. Thanks to his dedication and rehabilitation efforts, Scott has regained his ability to play. He's seen here playing at a UNMC event with his son, John.

Time out with T.O. – A salute to the Yanneys

Philanthropists have had huge impact on the medical center.

Jan 7, 2021

Mike Yanney and Gail Yanney, MD

Applications for inaugural Hubbard Fellowship now open

Applications for the Claire M. Hubbard Water, Climate and Health Fellowship will be accepted through Jan. 29.

Jan 6, 2021

Pipeline programs help students to health careers

Area Health Education Centers support pre-health professions educational programs.

Jan 6, 2021

Hannah Dickey (photo by Margaret Cain)

Douglas County commissioner to speak at MLK Day event

Chris Rodgers to give keynote presentation for Jan. 18 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. UNMC, Nebraska Medicine celebration

Jan 4, 2021

Douglas County Commissioner Chris Rodgers

Defense bill accelerates opportunity for DOD-UNMC partnership

The recent federal authorizations and appropriations build upon both the passage of LB 1107 (formerly LB 1084) last August by the Nebraska Unicameral legislature and continued enthusiastic participation by private sector philanthropy.

Jan 1, 2021

Remembering: Bob Krohn

Krohn was a longtime supporter of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Institute, the Munroe-Meyer Institute and UNMC.

Dec 30, 2020

Bob and Myrna Krohn
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