

UNMC, UNO among sponsors of upcoming jazz concerts

Outdoor concert series is free, open to the public.

Jul 29, 2019

Marcus Lewis will bring the Marcus Lewis Quintet to Omaha Aug. 3 to open the series.

Community partners offer end-of-summer events

See a full list of events and activities provided by UNMC’s community partners.

Jul 25, 2019

The Durham Museum

UNMC to hold graduation ceremony for 12 Step-Up participants

Several speakers including Willie Barney will present at July 31 event

Jul 24, 2019

Step-Up interns at UNMC are joined by program coordinator Evelyn Grixby (fifth from left) and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Aileen Warren (second from right).

UNMC receives $3.7 million grant to address shortage of geriatricians

By 2025, an estimated deficit of 27,000 geriatricians will affect baby boomers

Jul 22, 2019

Jane Potter, M.D.

Camp Munroe: More than just summer fun

For volunteers, impact of Camp Munroe, other recreational therapy programs can reach far beyond the activity itself.

Jul 19, 2019

Volunteer Abby Mills helps camper Grant make a personal pizza at Camp Munroe.

UNMC psychiatrist connects with U.S. surgeon general at AMA meeting

Alëna Balasanova, M.D., gets destigmatizing language resolution passed

Jul 12, 2019

Vice Admiral Jerome Adams, M.D. (left), the U.S. surgeon general, with Alëna Balasanova, M.D., of UNMC.

Mark Balschweid, Ph.D., to lead Rural Futures Institute

Dr. Balschweid enters RFI during launch of the Nebraska Thriving Index.

Jul 10, 2019

Program launched for special education students to combat social isolation

MMI and Millard Public Schools collaborate to help special education students develop social skills.

Jul 10, 2019

Karoly Mirnics, M.D., Ph.D. (left) and Jim Sutfin, Ed.D.

Still time to register for Saturday’s Owl Ride

Proceeds help improve lives of adults with developmental disabilities

Jul 10, 2019

Corporate Cycling Challenge arrives Aug. 18

CHI issues a friendly challenge to UNMC/Nebraska Medicine, as well.

Jul 8, 2019