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Results for ""Lookin' at U""

We found 508 results for your search.

Looking at U: Catherine Hughes-Rose

Name: Catherine Hughes-Rose Hometown: Imogene, Iowa No. of years at UNMC: Four years Tell us about what you do here at UNMC. I work in the Internal Medicine Department-Division of…

May 24, 2018

Catherine Hughes-Rose

Looking at U: JaMese Sullivan

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about: Name: JaMese Sullivan Hometown: Omaha No. of years at UNMC: Two years and 10 months…

Jun 20, 2019

JaMese Sullivan

Looking at U: Jessica Cole

Each Thursday, we profile a member of the med center community. Today we meet: Name: Jessica (Jess) Cole Hometown: Lincoln Number of years at UNMC: Five months Tell us a…

Dec 26, 2019

Jessica Cole and Brian

Looking at U: Cara Mouw

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about: Name: Cara Mouw Hometown: Alton, Iowa Number of years at UNMC: 19 years Tell us…

Apr 11, 2019

Cara Mouw

Retirement reception set for Ronnie Powell

…degree in refrigeration. He is known about UNMC as “The Mayor.”  Learn more about Powell from his participation in the McGoogan Health Sciences Library’s oral history program and his 2015 Looking at U profile….

Aug 22, 2022

Ronnie Powell

In virtual forum, Chancellor Gold offers thanks

…Ph.D., in looking at use of UV to recycle N95 masks and respirators; The SIM-NE and iEXCEL training of rural emergency medicine responders on COVID-19 protocols; The UNMC College of…

Apr 21, 2020

Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., chancellor of UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha

Group hopes to increase LGBT visibility at UNMC

…presence on campus,” he said. “Speaking as someone who was at one point a prospective student looking at universities, that’s one thing I looked for, whether there was an LGBT…

Jun 18, 2015

Matthew Follett, president of the UNMC Pride Alliance

Computer models show value in diagnosing dementia

UNMC researchers joined in publishing a study in Nature Communications looking at using deep learning computer models to identify Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias….

Jul 21, 2022

Daniel Murman, MD, Arun Swaminathan, MD, and Olga Taraschenko, MD, PhD