Results for ""Lookin' at U""
…research. We also work to better understand and prioritize community health concerns that may be addressed through research. I’m always looking for ways to get community members more involved in…
Aug 23, 2018

…faculty doing financial analysis, working with their labs and staff and assisting with grant-related projects. It will be a whole new world for me, and I am really looking forward…
Jul 11, 2013

…The library is always looking at ways to innovate, and one of the biggest ways we’re working on that now is the renovation. We’ll have new kinds of spaces that…
Jan 16, 2020

…of network engineers, server engineers, and workstation and data techs. I recall one particular project in which we were looking for a method to make a service highly available to…
Jun 21, 2018

…from others, collaborate, take risks, share time and knowledge with others and are always looking to the future of education for our upcoming health care providers. What is your favorite…
Jul 9, 2015

Lookin’ at U – Angela D. Hayes
…complaints and grievances. I also manage conflict by looking at ways to provide a win/win solution with managers and employees. Also, I provide employees an understanding of the Americans with…
Apr 9, 2015

…anniversary later this year with (what else?) a trip to Disney World for the kids. I am not looking forward to our return from Disney World, since I will be…
Jun 26, 2014

…What is your favorite fall activity? I like hayrack rides. Being in the fresh air looking at all of the colorful, beautiful foliage relaxes me. List three things people may…
Oct 31, 2019

…our current offerings. Everyone’s been working diligently to ensure what we’re looking to implement is both feasible and beneficial, adjusting the scope and content as it’s discussed. What is your…
Nov 7, 2019

…About 10 years ago, I had global amnesia; I didn’t have any memory for three days. Neighbors found me outside in the snowstorm, ‘looking to the east!’ Family said I…
Nov 14, 2013