
Free workshop planned for SBIR/STTR funding

Training designed to improve the chances of securing federal grants.

Jan 9, 2020

Incentive program helps people lose weight

Evidence-based weight loss approach includes modest financial incentives.

Jan 9, 2020

Save the date for upcoming EPP opportunities

UNMC and Nebraska Medicine Emerging Professionals Program kicks off new year with events.

Jan 9, 2020

Dr. Poole to head new allergy/immunology division

Creation of UNMC Division of Allergy and Immunology reflects growing demand.

Jan 9, 2020

IT to hold weekly sessions on academic technologies

One-hour information sessions with IT experts begin Wednesday with discussion of Canvas.

Jan 8, 2020

Time out with T.O. – The next chapter

Retirement tea set for Jan. 15 for Tom O’Connor.

Jan 8, 2020

Dr. Harrison named chair of family medicine

Jeff Harrison, M.D., will succeed Michael Sitorius, M.D., effective Jan. 13.

Jan 8, 2020

Hobbies the focus of next Olson Center event

Reservations being accepted for presentation on “Health, Happiness & Harmony: The Holistic Essentiality of Hobbies.”

Jan 8, 2020

Jerry Walker, Ph.D.

LiveGreen: A call to action

Global problems can seem overwhelming, but individual actions still matter.

Jan 7, 2020

Dr. Khan deploys to Tonga to fight measles outbreak

College of Public Health dean in Tonga to combat the measles outbreak.

Jan 7, 2020