
Lecture to explore IBS in women

Kathryn Hutchins, MD, will speak at next Olson Center event.

Mar 31, 2021

Kathryn Hutchins, MD

UNMC, Omaha Symphony partner to study indoor air

A UNMC team led by Josh Santarpia, PhD, is helping determine if the number of musicians on stage can be increased.

Mar 30, 2021

Dr. Koh named chief of pediatric neurology

Sookyong Koh, MD, is a specialist in pediatric epliepsy.

Mar 30, 2021

LiveGreen: Earth Month kickoff

April is Earth Month, and the med center has several events planned.

Mar 30, 2021

University extends Nebraska Promise deadline to May 1

Application for federal student aid now can be submitted until May 1.

Mar 30, 2021

UNMC joins research consortium for tropical diseases

Group’s mission is to accelerate discovery and development of technologies for neglected tropical diseases, malaria and tuberculosis.

Mar 29, 2021

Under the microscope: The 2021 Research Awards

Matt Rizzo, MD, was named the UNMC Scientist Laureate at the event honoring the university’s top researchers.

Mar 29, 2021

Faculty award winners announced

Educators to be honored at April 15 virtual ceremony.

Mar 29, 2021

UNMC Residency Symposium set for May 1

Virtual event will educate medical students on residency process.

Mar 29, 2021

UNMC for the record

College of Nursing fund drive to benefit those affected by ovarian cancer, and other news and notes from the UNMC community.

Mar 26, 2021

The College of Nursing,s 2021 Annual Charitable March 24-31 Drive will benefit the NU Foundation's Betty J. and Charles D. McKinsey Ovarian Cancer Research Fund and is dedicated in memory of Jill Thewke, who was a college employee, and others affected by ovarian cancer.