
UNeTech, Bio Nebraska grant will support women in STEM

Grant is in partnership with UNMC and University of Nebraska at Omaha’s UNeTech Institute.

Nov 1, 2021

Sasha Forsen, assistant director of Bio Nebraska, and Rod Markin, MD, PhD, executive director of UNeTech

UNMC team helps ID antivirals to use against COVID-19

Collaborating with Missouri scientists, team used computer to model potential treatments.

Nov 1, 2021

Siddappa Byrareddy, PhD

Cancer center launches speaker’s bureau

Community groups, health care organizations, public health departments and educators invited to book speakers.

Nov 1, 2021

Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway, PhD

New Project SEARCH class ready to get to work

Job-search program has graduated more than 60 people since arriving on campus in 2015.

Oct 29, 2021

From left, interns Raheem Singleton-Sealy and Chelsea Robinson

An expanding research network

Growing UNMC-led network allows researchers to collaborate with practitioners in rural areas.

Oct 29, 2021

Matthew Rizzo, MD

Holiday drinking topic at Olson Center brown bag

Ken Zoucha, MD, will speak at Nov. 16 event.

Oct 29, 2021

Ken Zoucha, MD

A day in the life of a caregiver

Results of the Working Caregiver Survey offer insight on the challenges of colleagues who also are caregivers.

Oct 29, 2021

Kim Falk of the Munroe-Meyer Institute

UNMC for the record

Shelby Bennett, PharmD, honored; food trucks set for next week.

Oct 29, 2021

Shelby Bennett, PharmD

Repairs to begin at Parking Lot 5

Elevators will be repaired, and a new window system will be installed.

Oct 29, 2021

Dr. Are honored by American College of Surgeons

Chandra Are, MBBS, is inaugural recipient of the ACS Academic Global Surgeon Award.

Oct 28, 2021

Chandra Are, MBBS