
Retirement forms now available online

Find step-by-step directions for the forms in this article.

Mar 18, 2022

Individual retirement meetings returning to campus

Employees can schedule meetings with TIAA and Fidelity representatives and meet with them on the Omaha campus.

Mar 18, 2022

IEXCEL honors innovation in health care

Honorees credited for bold and creative steps in creating a future model for health professions education.

Mar 17, 2022

Jennifer Cera, DNP, accepts the Academic Award during IEXCEL's Innovation Awards at the Davis Global Center.

Inclusive Excellence: Gender equality in leadership

Event highlights the importance of investing in women and encouraging their advancement.

Mar 17, 2022

Sheritta Strong, MD, assistant vice chancellor of inclusion

Online alumni community offers connections

The networking site has grown to nearly 800 users, and the UNMC community is invited to engage online.

Mar 17, 2022

Main entrance to Clarkson Tower to be replaced

Work will begin on Monday, March 21, and will take about six weeks. Signs will direct people to the north entrance during the closure.

Mar 17, 2022

Heart Walk back in person for 2022

The walk will be held May 14, and the campaign is underway to recruit walkers and raise funds.

Mar 17, 2022

The UNMC/Nebraska Medicine Heart Walk team for 2019, when the event was last held in person.

Allied health announces three program directors

College welcomes new leaders for radiography and computed tomography, clinical perfusion and cytology.

Mar 16, 2022

Scott Sanderson, Maheswari Mukherjee, PhD, and Ashley Balliet

Challenging road led student to Match Day

Dennis Maar II looks to draw on his experiences to help others who aspire to medical school.

Mar 16, 2022

Dennis Maar II

‘I Love NU’ week starts March 21

University-wide “I Love NU” Day at the Nebraska State Capitol will be March 23.

Mar 16, 2022

"I Love NU" Day will be March 23 at the Nebraska State Capitol.