
Microsoft 365 series runs in May and June

Virtual courses are offered through UNMC’s Department of Human Resources Re-Imagining U and Informational Technology.

Mar 21, 2022

UNMC easing COVID-19 safety precautions

While the challenges from the pandemic are not over, UNMC is responding to lower virus transmission. It will continue to monitor trends and modify guidance as needed.

Mar 21, 2022

Retirement forms now available online

Find step-by-step directions for the forms in this article.

Mar 18, 2022

Individual retirement meetings returning to campus

Employees can schedule meetings with TIAA and Fidelity representatives and meet with them on the Omaha campus.

Mar 18, 2022

UNMC for the record, March 18, 2022

Andrea Jones, MD, will be honored by the Women’s Center for Advancement, and the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health awards grants.

Mar 18, 2022

UNMC Title IX Office is on Twitter

The office will use the social media platform to promote its new education and prevention initiative.

Mar 18, 2022

It’s Match Day for UNMC med students

Senior medical students find out where they will spend their residency training after graduating. This year, the celebration is at Baxter Arena.

Mar 18, 2022

The UNMC College of Medicine held Match Day 2021 outdoors in Bellevue. Here, Henry Mishek, wife Margaret Mishek and daughter Evelyn celebrate Henry's match. Today's Match Day will be held indoors at Baxter Arena.

IEXCEL honors innovation in health care

Honorees credited for bold and creative steps in creating a future model for health professions education.

Mar 17, 2022

Jennifer Cera, DNP, accepts the Academic Award during IEXCEL's Innovation Awards at the Davis Global Center.

Inclusive Excellence: Gender equality in leadership

Event highlights the importance of investing in women and encouraging their advancement.

Mar 17, 2022

Sheritta Strong, MD, assistant vice chancellor of inclusion

Online alumni community offers connections

The networking site has grown to nearly 800 users, and the UNMC community is invited to engage online.

Mar 17, 2022