Plan to attend the Feb. 2 Health & Technology Day
UNMC and NHS employees, students and their families can receive discounted admission to UNMC’s Health and Technology Day Saturday, Feb. 2, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Strategic Air and Space Museum. With an employee ID, admission to the museum and events is $5 for adults and $2 for children.
Jan 25, 2002
UNMC researchers study ways to protect humans against chemical warfare agents
UNMC researchers have received a four-year, $1.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to develop an efficient way to protect humans against the toxic effects of nerve agents used in chemical warfare. Nerve agents are chemicals related to the organophosphorus group of pesticides, which interfere with the functioning of the nervous system.
Jan 24, 2002
New strategic planning process to guide direction of NHS
In mid-November, NHS started a new strategic planning process with the assistance of an external consultant, The Tiber Group. See story for a list of strategic planning committee members and their goals.
Jan 23, 2002
Grant expands geriatrics resources
In 2010, an estimated 400,000 Nebraskans will be over the age of 65. Thanks to a grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation, UNMC is increasing the amount of training in geriatrics for physicians in Nebraska.
Jan 23, 2002
UNMC’s internal medicine residency program scores among top programs
For the fourth consecutive year, the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s internal medicine residency program has had 100 percent of its residents pass the 2001 American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) examination.
The accomplishment puts UNMC in the top 5 percent of programs across the country, said James O’Dell, M.D., professor of medicine, chief of the section of rheumatology and immunology, residency program director, and vice-chairman of the department of internal medicine.
Jan 22, 2002
Campus celebrates MLK Day with “The Meeting”
In reality, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X only met long enough to pose for a photograph. On Monday, they met for more than 60 minutes in an intense, passionate and sometimes volatile on-stage meeting. More than 360 people gathered Monday in NHS Storz Pavilion and Wittson Hall for “The Meeting,” a fictional account of a meeting between Dr. King and Malcolm X.
Jan 22, 2002
The words and images of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X — part 7 of 7
Don’t miss today’s presentation of “The Meeting,” a fictional portrayal of an encounter between Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Lower Storz of NHS Clarkson Hospital (overflow attendance to Wittson Hall Amphitheater). Hosted by UNMC and NHS, the play is free and open to the public.
The quotations in today’s final feature on Dr. King and Malcolm X indicate that both men believed their visions for America would probably lead to their deaths.
Jan 21, 2002
Nominations sought for Outstanding Teacher Awards
The UNMC Faculty Senate is inviting nominations for Outstanding Teacher Awards for 2001-2002. Students or faculty may submit nominations for full-time employees of UNMC who hold a full-time faculty appointment at the rank of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor or professor.
Jan 21, 2002
Augustine honored with National Nuclear Pharmacy Award
Sam Augustine, Pharm.D., associate professor of pharmacy practice in the UNMC College of Pharmacy, has been selected as the recipient of the American Pharmaceutical Association Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management (AphA-APPM) William H. Briner Distinguished Achievement Award in Nuclear Pharmacy Practice.
Jan 21, 2002
Students learn about cultural similarities, differences
In his hometown of St. Paul, Neb., Jesse Hanisch came closest to cultural diversity when he dined on Mexican food, he says. That’s why a new week-long workshop focusing on cultural competency at UNMC was of such interest to Hanisch, a Caucasian.
Jan 18, 2002