
Cultural competency in serving the deaf has come a long way

When Janet Killam presents Tuesday’s Lunch ‘n Learn, the audience won’t hear a single word. Killam, a field representative for the Nebraska Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, is deaf and will make her presentation using sign language.

Fortunately for the audience, Killam’s colleague, Judy Gouldsmith, will orally interpret her message. Gouldsmith, an interpreter/program assistant in the commission’s Omaha office, will discuss key issues in providing medical services to the deaf.

Mar 29, 2002

UNMC to honor 30-year service award recipients — part 3 of 3

Five UNMC faculty members will be receiving 30-year service awards during the Annual Faculty meeting Thursday, April 11 at 4 p.m. in the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater. UNMC Today highlights the final three award recipients today with a look at Terry Hexum, Ph.D. and Anne Kessinger, M.D., of the College of Medicine, and Parviz Pour, M.D., of the Eppley Institute for Cancer Research.

Mar 28, 2002

McGoogan Library staff help fill Fontenelle Elementary book shelves

Students at Fontenelle Elementary School soon will be adding Harry Potter, Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss to their library shelves, thanks to the generosity of staff members in UNMC’s McGoogan Library of Medicine.

Mar 28, 2002

New report available on health status of Nebraskans

Nebraska leads the nation when it comes to the number of critical access hospitals — designated hospitals that receive federal funds to strengthen rural health. This and other information is available in “The Nebraska Health Information Project: 2001 Databook,” the latest report on the health status of Nebraskans.

Mar 27, 2002

UNMC to honor 30-year service award recipients — part 2 of 3

Five UNMC faculty members will be receiving 30-year service awards during the Annual Faculty meeting Thursday, April 11 at 4 p.m. in the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater. This week, UNMC Today is highlighting the College of Dentistry, College of Nursing, College of Medicine and Eppley Institute for Cancer Research award recipients. Today’s focus is on Jean Krajicek Bartek, Ph.D., and Judith Heermann, Ph.D., both from the College of Nursing.

Mar 27, 2002

UNMC shares $5 million grant to collaborate with the University of Puerto Rico

UNMC and the University of Puerto Rico have begun collaboration on HIV research funded by a federal grant.

UNMC was chosen to be a part of the Center for Research and Development for Minority Institutions from among the top institutions in the country. Other medical centers participating in the program are Johns Hopkins University, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Washington-Seattle. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke sponsors the grant, which was awarded to promote mentoring between established and minority institutions and is worth a total of about $5 million over five years.

Mar 26, 2002

UNMC to honor 30-year service award recipients — part 1 of 3

Five UNMC faculty members will be receiving 30-year service awards during the Annual Faculty meeting Thursday, April 11 at 4 p.m. in the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater. In three installments, UNMC Today will highlight the award recipients from the College of Dentistry, College of Nursing and the College of Medicine. Today’s focus is on Stanton Harn, Ph.D., of the College of Dentistry.

Mar 26, 2002

UNMC training course helps smokers kick the habit

A course has been designed at UNMC to teach people from varied backgrounds the skills and techniques to help smokers break their cigarette dependency.

“Quitting smoking shouldn’t be a one-person battle,” said David Daughton, a researcher in the internal medicine department and the course’s instructor. “Smokers who receive adequate counseling support have a greater chance of quitting than those who receive none, but many times the people in a smoker’s support system don’t have the proper training.”

Mar 25, 2002

Residency matches reveal students’ medical aspirations

In a short time, Son Tran has come a long ways.

In 1990, he and his family — one of the last to leave Vietnam under the U.S. government’s refugee program — moved to Lincoln, Neb., where the 17-year-old learned English and attended two years at Southeast High School before graduating from Nebraska Wesleyan University.

On Thursday, the UNMC fourth-year medical student read the National Resident Matching Program letter that defined the next step in his life: an internal medicine residency in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Mar 22, 2002

April’s mini-medical school focuses on ‘Taking Charge of Your Health’

UNMC and eight sites across Nebraska invite the public to attend UNMC Mini-Medical School, a free health educational series for three consecutive Thursdays beginning April 11.

The three-part series, titled, “Taking Charge of Your Health,” will focus on the changing health-care provider/patient relationship. Patients, thanks in large part to the Internet, now are more educated about their health and health products, which has created a new dynamic in the patient-health provider relationship.

Mar 22, 2002

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