
UNMC medical residents share perspectives on new regulations

Four medical residents share their own perspectives on new regulations regarding work hours. (Click on headline to read their perspectives).

Jun 28, 2002

Dr. Larzelere featured in spanking stories

A Munroe-Meyer Institute child psychologist, Robert Larzelere, Ph.D., has been receiving extensive media coverage for a story which broke on June 26 dealing with the pros and cons of spanking your child. The coverage was triggered by a study in the July issue of Psychological Bulletin, which is published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Media coverage has included the Washington Post, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Reuters, the Associated Press, CBS News, CNN Medical News as well as radio stations in Omaha, Kansas City, New York City, Baltimore and Gulfport, Miss.

Dr. Larzelere has over 20 years of experience in doing research on parental disciplinary responses, leading to over 20 publications on various aspects of parental discipline in psychological and pediatric journals and books.

Click on this story’s headline to read the news release issued by the APA, as well as Dr. Larzelere’s critique of the study.

Jun 28, 2002

Dogs began as guides during World War I

June features multiple recognitions related to vision awareness, including Prevent Blindness and Vision Research Month, Eye Safety Week (June 27-July 5) and Heller Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week (the last week in June).
This week, UNMC Today will run a brief history of the three most common symbols associated with blindness — the white cane, guide dog and Braille. Today’s history focuses on the guide dog. Yesterday’s history of the white can be found in the UNMC Today archives. (Click on story headline for history).

Jun 27, 2002

SHARING Clinic benefits from third annual golf tournament

Hackers, ringers, duffers, aces and slicers alike participated in the third annual SHARING Clinic golf tournament, “Docs on the Green,” Monday afternoon at the Omaha Field Club.

Jun 27, 2002

UNL, UNMC collaborative research grants sought

Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are being asked to submit proposals that would combine research expertise of the two campuses.

The UNL / UNMC Research Collaboration Grants Program began in 2000, and the projects that were funded in the first cycle have yielded proposals for NIH funding. For the present cycle, a Request for Proposals (RFP) has been sent to all members of the UNMC and UNL faculty, with letters of intent due on July 16 and the deadline for full proposals set for Aug. 1.

Jun 26, 2002

Focus is on vision impairment issues during end of June, early July

Members and staff of the NHS/UNMC Employee Diversity Network and the UMA Eye Specialty Clinic are encouraging everyone this week to reflect on vision impairment issues. June features multiple recognitions related to vision awareness, including Prevent Blindness and Vision Research Month, Eye Safety Week (June 27-July 5) and Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week (the last week in June).

Jun 26, 2002

White cane’s role developed early in 20th century

This week, UNMC Today will run a brief history of the three most common symbols associated with blindness — the white cane, guide dog and Braille. Today’s history focuses on the white cane. (Click on story headline for history).

Jun 26, 2002

Dr. Bridge among the world’s leading cytogeneticists

Diagnosing cancer genetically is an intricate process, where noticing the rearrangement of just a few chromosomes may determine the type of cancer and – in the future – the cancer’s treatment.

Julia Bridge, M.D., isn’t only familiar with that process; she’s drawing the standards for the rest of the world to follow.

Jun 25, 2002

Employees, students must get new identification cards

UNMC employees and students, as well as UMA employees, will need to obtain new identification cards over the next couple of months. After Sept. 1, current ID cards will no longer be a valid form of identification on campus. See story for further details including UneCard office hours, a weekly drawing and ID card benefits.

Jun 24, 2002

HIPAA regulations apply to all UNMC, NHS, UMA employees

Sharon Welna and Sheila Wrobel face a daunting task.

Together, they are combing the 169-page Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) to ensure that UNMC, NHS and UMA complies with the federal regulations that govern privacy, security and electronic transactions standards for health care information.

Jun 24, 2002