New NHS operating room benefits patients, physicians, students
A new operating room at NHS is the only one in the region giving surgery a new dimension. The Storz OR1 system gives surgeons infinite possibilities — from the ability to teleconference with other physicians to streaming live video of surgery to a colleague across the country or to a classroom across campus.
Nov 1, 2002
Student Senate elections Nov. 12-13
The UNMC Student Senate elections will Tuesday, Nov. 12 and Wednesday, Nov. 13 in the lobby of Wittson Hall (off 42nd Street between Dewey Avenue and Emile Street). Students can vote between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Click to see the election ballot.
Nov 1, 2002
Costume contest winners at Nebraska Cafe
Clowns, devils, Snow White and a scarecrow were seen wandering about the Nebraska Café Thursday morning. The unusually dressed group, comprised of approximately 20 UNMC and NHS employees, participated in the cafeteria’s Halloween costume contest. Click to learn the winners.
Nov 1, 2002
Homeland Security advisor on campus today
Office of Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge will be on the UNMC campus today for briefings on bioterrorism-related projects at UNMC. Due to security restrictions, the news conference is not open to the campus. Read UNMC Today on Monday for complete coverage of today’s event.
Nov 1, 2002
More Native Americans live on ‘asphalt rez’
Contrary to belief, most Native Americans in Nebraska live in urban areas, said Carolyn Fiscus, director of Community Outreach and Native American Studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Oct 31, 2002
Alpha Omega Alpha elections announced
Click to learn which students, house officers, faculty and alumni members were nominated for induction into Alpha Omega Alpha, the honorary medical society.
Oct 31, 2002
Donations accepted to the UNMC crisis leave bank
If the bottom of your recent pay stub indicates you have vacation hours to “use or lose” by Dec. 31, you may want to consider donating up to 24 hours of vacation leave to the UNMC Crisis Leave Bank. By donating vacation days to the crisis leave bank, employees have the ability to assist a colleague who must be away from work to battle an illness, take care of an ailing child or parent, or rebound from a devastating house fire.
Oct 31, 2002
UNMC doctoral student lifts others while he climbs
When UNMC doctoral candidate LeDon Bean graduated from high school in 1986, he already had a vision of what he wanted to do with his life — study medicine. Today, Bean’s busy schedule includes mentoring minority youths.
Oct 30, 2002
NIH executive brings hope, inspiration to minority youths
Ron G. King, Ph.D., one of the highest-ranking African-Americans at the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH), recently came to UNMC. Click to find out why.
Oct 30, 2002
Longtime employee of Eppley Institute, David Heard, dies
David Heard, a 34-year employee of the Eppley Institute, died Sunday, Oct. 27. He was 67. Heard joined the Eppley Institute as the animal care facility supervisor in July 1968, a role he remained in until retiring this past April.
Oct 30, 2002