
Retired UNMC renal pathologist, Richard Wilson, dies

Richard B. Wilson, an emeritus professor of pathology and microbiology at UNMC, died Monday (Nov. 18) from complications after surgery. He was 81.

Nov 21, 2002

Adopt a family this holiday season

This holiday season, UNMC and its Adopt-A-School partners — Monroe Middle School and Fontenelle Elementary School — are working together to help families in our community. UNMC wants to sponsor 10 families at Monroe Middle School and purchase holiday meals and gifts for families at Fontenelle Elementary School. See story for details.

Nov 20, 2002

UNMC trio honored for wellness leadership

Three UNMC employees — Allen Olson, Terry O’Callaghan and Christy Williams — were recently recognized for making healthy lifestyle changes or providing leadership to make wellness for employees a top priority in their organization.

Nov 20, 2002

Student Senate election results announced

Casey Johnston, a third-year medical student from Alliance, has been elected as the next president of the UNMC Student Senate. Student elections took place last week. See story for complete election results.

Nov 20, 2002

Who wants to be an expert — a weekly HIPAA message

HIPAA, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,” provides federal protection of patient health information. You will be receiving weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your job. Today’s HIPAA message reviews the information shared during the past six weeks…let’s see what you remember.

Nov 19, 2002

Dr. Krobot receives Pharmacy’s Distinguished Teaching Award

Charles Krobot, Pharm.D., says there have been times when he’s questioned whether his messages in his law and ethics course have gotten through to students.

This fall, pharmacy students sent a strong affirmative answer to Dr. Krobot: They selected him as the recipient of the 2002 College of Pharmacy Distinguished Teaching Award.

Nov 19, 2002

Children receive free dental care

More than 350 volunteers took part in Children’s Dental Day on Nov. 14 at the UNMC College of Dentistry in Lincoln. The event provided an estimated $35,000 in free dental care and treatment to 140 underserved children from Norfolk and Fremont.

Nov 19, 2002

UNMC Benefits Corner – frequently asked questions

The UNMC Human Resources office will be sharing a series of articles designed to help employees better understand their benefits. This week’s UNMC Benefits Corner provides answers to frequently asked questions.

Nov 19, 2002

Employee satisfaction survey deadline extended

The deadline to complete the 2002 UNMC Employee Satisfaction Survey has been extended until midnight Friday, Nov. 22, at the request of UNMC employees.

Nov 19, 2002

International photo contest winners announced

Meredith Hammans, a lab assistant in the NHS University Hospital diagnostic center, has been named the grand-prize winner in the second annual International Photography Contest at UNMC.

Nov 18, 2002